Author Topic: Is Corona for blender dead?  (Read 43004 times)

2019-10-24, 04:33:57


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Corona looks so good!! Especially for architecture, and I'd like to really learn even more, but there are so many things which need to be fixed. I've been following this forum for a while and it looks like nothing is being updated. Should I just not bother anymore and go to octane or something instead?

We need 2 versions of Corona to make material previews work. It regularly crashes. Export time is horrendous. There is no preview render. There is incredibly limited functionality compared to the 3ds max version, including the new caustics solver.

Meh, silly little blender I guess isn't worth the time investment (maybe take a look at who's sponsoring blender now... Nvidia, AMD, Epic games, Adidas, Google etc...)

2019-10-24, 04:41:32
Reply #1


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I am still working on the exporter in my spare time, trying to update it to work with 2.80. it has talked 40-50 hours so far with possibly another 50 and that will just be to get it working as it was for 2.79

I still need changes from standalone to fix material previews and to make preview rendering possible.

2019-10-24, 10:40:00
Reply #2


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I think blender and unreal/unity is the future. I am 3ds max user but how things goes, sponsoring for blender like Llihmartin mentioned in milions $, the fact that blender is free and the fact that 3ds max need whole core improvement more than chamfer modifier.

2019-10-24, 12:57:30
Reply #3

Philip kelly

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I agree unreal for me is the future, a straight proper integrated modeler with in it and that's  it, you don't need anything else.
One package for all.

Why it has not been done I don't understand..........
Custom Built PC, 4090, 128

2019-10-27, 22:01:54
Reply #4


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I would cry if a good port of Corona came to Blender. It baffles me a bit why the dev team hasn't made a proper effort to maybe just hire, for an example, blanchg to do it fulltime.
The shift to blender is real, and gets more real every day. More and more companies shifting to it (just recently, ubisoft and embark moving to blender) And all those grants and funds its getting is becoming a bit insane :) I see more and more archviz in the blenderartist gallery popping up. There is Luxcore which is somewhat trying to be the Corona for blender, but its not quite there. Some companies scoff at the blender community for just wanting free software but its not true.If archviz people could get off not having to pay for 3dsmax, and use just blender & corona, i think a lot of them would.

2019-11-02, 17:14:39
Reply #5


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I totally agree with Binke.
I would be the first to pay for Corona, and I would join with him to cry ... :D
It makes no sense to pursue a development that does not exist.
All the professionals of the sector agree in wanting to pay, nobody expects a free engine, and above all, everyone dreams of having an integrated Corona as much as C4D and 3DS.

2019-11-04, 05:40:44
Reply #6


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I'm gonna continue Patreon support for some time, but I'm already testing Octane in my daily work, I don't want to return to 2.79 from 2.80(Collections system is future) and realtime render is damn fast, it speed up workflow dramatically

2020-03-20, 03:21:16
Reply #7


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Я тоже готов платить за КоронуРенедр интегрированную в блендер.

Сейчас вынуждено работаю в 3д макс из-за КороныРендер, и это больно.

I, too, am willing to pay for the Corona Renaissance integrated into the blender.

Now I have to work in 3D max because of the Corona Render, and it hurts.

2020-04-06, 17:37:36
Reply #8


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+1 on Corona for Blender! Even though I would suggest to give a try to Cycles. Isn't as fast as Corona, but you can get out some very good images with it!
aluxado | render like photography

2020-05-18, 21:54:22
Reply #9


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I won't give Cycles a try, I already tried. It does not give that depth and crispy quality like Corona.

By the way I am worried about that exporter developer is inactive since April....

2021-05-12, 20:03:08
Reply #10


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Honestly, I just don't get why Corona is not on Blender. In term of strategy, we can clearly see that Blender is becoming a huge player in the market. So annoying.
I'm a Blender user and I would to pay to get Corona. So sad.

2021-05-12, 23:06:16
Reply #11


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There's still no new Corona standalone to begin with. We'll most likely see after release, how much interest and motivation there really is.

2021-05-13, 15:12:49
Reply #12


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Sad but unfortunately for the Maxon team, Blender is a real thing, and it's growing. So if they don't invest in that, they are going to regret it at the end.

Ubisoft, UE games and a lot of other studios are using Blender now. It's just a matter of time and 3Ds max is going to be lost far away behind.

2021-05-20, 18:00:05
Reply #13


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It's been a long time since I logged in in this forum, and it's sad because it was awesome to participate and collaborate with the Corona team.

We migrated from max to Blender several years ago and we never looked back, we are happier with Blender than what we was with Max, but it seems there is no interest in the whole ChaosGroup family into doing a serious development of their engines for Blender, so I leave this message here so others that come with hope have things crystal clear, unless someone from the official team says the contrary.

Corona Render will NOT be integrated into Blender, there is no interest on it, saying that they will collaborate with someone that wants to do an integration for free is not serious, so in my opinion, with all due respect, ChaosGroup and Render Legion don't take Blender users as serious users, it's a pity.

I hope the team can change their mind, I know many people that wants to make the shift to Blender, but they would also like to maintain Corona as render engine, they will shift sooner than later because they don't want to maintain adesk licenses, but it would be pity for them to have to change their render engine.

We use Cycles and LuxCore, but we would also love to be able to use Corona for serious work.

A pity.

P.S.: the fear to GPL is not a serious reason, there is enough legal power behind Chaos to ensure that there won't be a single problem with that, and both Octane and Redshift did the integration and so far... not a single problem with the GPL, BTW RedShift is add-on based, not custom build based, there is no need for a custom build, there are many many solutions.

2021-06-07, 10:41:59
Reply #14


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As @juang3d said, there will be never a Corona/V-Ray for Blender, period. People are waiting 3 years only for bridge between render engine<>Blender; Octane made full integration within months.

When Vlad posted WIP on Blender addon there was hope for something but that was posted nearly year ago. Contact between community and devs is dead and it's not fair posting once a year news that there's work on addon for Blender, then keeping people in suspense for something that will not happen.

I don't know why there's such a silence about it? Is it some agreement between Autodesk/Chaos that Chaos is obligated to focus developing mainly on Autodesk products?
Or it is a method for having some traffic on site because "blender" keyword is actually a big attractive thing? "We have addon for Blender - actually not, but you can buy indie license for Max/Maya and have you favourite renderer from Chaos".
It's not accusation, I'm just too tired for this waiting and waiting. Probably there's is simpler explanation that there's not enough devs for maintaing standalone and exporter for Blender but sharing this info would finally cut every thoughts.     

My humble request for moderator and devs - please mark this forum as [ARCHIVE] because it is misleading for people that there's still support for this software - support means having addon for newest version, not for 4 years old DCC. I know that this addon was a actually a community work but your claim about "[...] helping the development of the third-party open source Corona Exporter from Blender" is not realized.
For community - move on, you can achieve the same results even in Cycles and there's more renderers for Blender.

2021-06-07, 16:42:46
Reply #15


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I don't know why there's such a silence about it? Is it some agreement between Autodesk/Chaos that Chaos is obligated to focus developing mainly on Autodesk products?
Hi, we do not have any such agreement

Or it is a method for having some traffic on site because "blender" keyword is actually a big attractive thing?
first search query containing "blender" is ranked 286 on our website ;)
Rendering is magic.How to get minidumps for crashed/frozen 3ds Max | Sorry for short replies, brief responses = more time to develop Corona ;)

2021-06-11, 02:18:58
Reply #16


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Search for Corona when you started this magnificent render engine was 0.

Search for Blender can be even ranked 1000, in general Blender users know that Corona don’t support Blender so don’t expect any higher rank in search or any other metrics.

Blender is not an stablished market in ArchViz, it is a growing market, you CAN create such a market instead of just relying on the existing market or waiting until others create such a market.

2021-06-16, 21:48:41
Reply #17


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no reason to wait corona while there are other suitable engines for blender. take a look to new redshift came to it. it is also a hybrid engine wich has also secondary GI calculation like corona, but all on GPU wich makes it even faster than corona.

2021-10-22, 15:34:46
Reply #18


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no reason to wait corona while there are other suitable engines for blender. take a look to new redshift came to it. it is also a hybrid engine wich has also secondary GI calculation like corona, but all on GPU wich makes it even faster than corona.
As a Cinema user that has Redshift and Corona, there's no competition. Redshift is nowhere near as nice as Corona. In fact Corona is the only reason I still use Cinema 4D, If it was ported to blender I'd jump ship in a heartbeat. Cycles is slow and clunky and Octane is hard and cold. Only Corona (and perhaps V-Ray) can produce truly beautiful renders in my opinion. If I had the money I'd fund it myself, but I don't as I've given it all to Maxon and Adobe!!

2021-10-22, 20:22:21
Reply #19


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no reason to wait corona while there are other suitable engines for blender. take a look to new redshift came to it. it is also a hybrid engine wich has also secondary GI calculation like corona, but all on GPU wich makes it even faster than corona.
As a Cinema user that has Redshift and Corona, there's no competition. Redshift is nowhere near as nice as Corona. In fact Corona is the only reason I still use Cinema 4D, If it was ported to blender I'd jump ship in a heartbeat. Cycles is slow and clunky and Octane is hard and cold. Only Corona (and perhaps V-Ray) can produce truly beautiful renders in my opinion. If I had the money I'd fund it myself, but I don't as I've given it all to Maxon and Adobe!!

Why not 3ds Max? It comes with great free renderer - Arnold, IMO Arnold is 2nd best behind Corona if you are after beauty and realism. I think Sony Pictures and some other big studios use it. It is quite friendly too, but not friendly as Corona :)

2023-02-02, 08:15:55
Reply #20


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Is there any information regarding the latest Corona in Blender? The topic is already several years old and this information is missing. I am referring to the real development of the plug-in for Blender.

The topic Which 3D soft to integrate into next? is closed, but the poll indicated that Blender was chosen by many users.
« Last Edit: 2023-02-02, 08:19:42 by triget »

2023-02-02, 10:11:17
Reply #21


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Is there any information regarding the latest Corona in Blender? The topic is already several years old and this information is missing. I am referring to the real development of the plug-in for Blender.

The topic Which 3D soft to integrate into next? is closed, but the poll indicated that Blender was chosen by many users.

Have you seen this thread?

Please note that this is being developed by a third party.
Bengamin Jerrems:
Portfolio l Click me!

2023-02-02, 10:16:47
Reply #22


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I ask about the latest Corona and about Chaos Corona support. Is anything happening on this topic?

2023-02-02, 13:48:52
Reply #23


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I ask about the latest Corona and about Chaos Corona support. Is anything happening on this topic?

Have you seen this thread?

Please note that this is being developed by a third party.

Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2023-02-03, 10:09:42
Reply #24


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Yes. I'm asking about support for the latest Corona Renderer 9 and is there anything going on in that regard?

2023-02-03, 10:34:06
Reply #25


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I don't know if the developer of that plugin is reading this forum. If so, then we will have to wait for his reply.
Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us