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Messages - Aram Avetisyan

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 39
[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Custom shape render region
« on: 2024-05-31, 02:14:19 »
Custom shape/Freehand draw regions will be quite tricky and different to be implemented.

This is relatively straight linear object, but what if the shape iteself has curvature or many angles. Drawing a freehand or any mask will be difficult.
Instead, the render mask with viewport selection can be used. You can quickly pick those objects using the pick functionality in the VFB.
If there are many objects to pick, you can create a custom shaped object in the scene, make it non renderable and have it as a render mask - the shown example can be quickly done in this way.

Hope this helps.

[Max] I need help! / Re: white lines on the render
« on: 2024-05-31, 02:01:29 »

Slicer can be very "sensitive" to non-capped geometry and create visual artifacts. Make sure the objects being cut are capped (have no open parts, borders). If they happen to be not enclosed volumes, at least make sure there are no multiple such objects on the say line of sight. You can apply shell modifier to those objects as a possible quick workaround.

Hope this helps.

Using CoronaLightMtl

Use RaySwitch material, plug the main CoronaLightMtl into GI, a less/more intensive to the reflection slot.

Using CoronaLight:

Use the main light, disable visible in reflections. Create another light a bit apart, make it not shine light, but be visible in the reflections.

This is the closest way of doing what you want, and still, it is not the cleanest way, but a possible workaround.
Hope this helps.

Hi Devs, i tried to open a scene from 2023 - it crashed (using latest daily).  I installed latest hotfix, it opens.  Tested on 2 different scenes.


Please attach the scene and minidump if possible and we will have a look.
You can as well send it over with via ticket at


A 3ds Max scene automatically "reads" its current directory and all the sub-directories. There is no need to repath assets if they are placed in this way.

If you want the asset tracker to show the exact path of the asset, you can right click and set path to absolute.


this looks like another of various issues with my 'beloved' CoronaBitmap. Original scene save:

Code: [Select]
INF: [18684] [50788] File save duration. Excluding pre/post save callbacks: 20 seconds. Including callbacks: 20 seconds.
After converting all CoronaBitmaps to standard Bitmap:

Code: [Select]
[18684] [50788] File save duration. Excluding pre/post save callbacks: 1 seconds. Including callbacks: 1 seconds.

Good Luck

If you have the scene it hand were this can be reproduced, please send it over and we will investigate it.
Afaik even with OOC textures Off, some hard drive read/write actions are being done.
Nevertheless, no slowdowns (even more such drastic) are expected, so we will be happy to investigate this.

Some reproduction steps, like, Create 10 Bitmaps with different 2k textures, apply (or maybe applying is not needed) to objects, save, check saving times.
And then teh same with CoronaBitmaps.


The request is logged but no specific timeline can be given at this moment. It is in the group of "nice to have" things, so not with the highest priority.
Currenlty we have the memory report tool (Corona specific) and the idea is to enhance it from report-only tool to something that can be handy to proceed with investigation - e.g. selecting specific objects, maps/materials from it, putting them into a new view or selection set, filtering them in some way so user can investigate them conveniently.

It will be good to get some ideas from users too, how exactly they see (the UX also) of memory report tool. Simply listing objects is just an info, not a tool to get the objects quickly and check them.

We will surely update you in case of news.
And thanks for pinging and reminding about the things you want to see implemented, user activity is an important part in it :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Caustics flickering in animation
« on: 2024-05-03, 21:42:37 »
Thank you.

This is yet another "research" for this topic we will add to the investigations, so thanks for your efforts.

Originally posted here:
The thread above has a reply for this issue as well, but is for general 3ds Max UI sluggishness, with or without the combination of Corona.

This will be the specific thread for this issue, as a bug report (for the sake of finding it better) - scene has slower viewport performance with Corona 11 than Corona 10.

Hello Aram,

I just wanted to confirm that I tested my problematic scene with Corona 11 HF2 in both 3ds Max 2022 and 2024, and it seems that the problem is now resolved. The viewport behaves smoothly.
Thank you and the entire Corona Renderer team for listening and support.

Best Regards

did HF2 solved your issue?

We are very happy to hear that and thank you for your kind words!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Caustics flickering in animation
« on: 2024-05-03, 00:12:54 »
Thanks for the test and reporting back.

Can you please try one last thing: try with 4K Cache (or UHD Cache) as secondary solver and set it to, if not already:

Precomputation: Try to load + append
After render: Save to file

Let's see if this brings improvements.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Caustics flickering in animation
« on: 2024-05-01, 23:43:20 »

I know the post is old but I am experiencing the same problem with flickering only on the water with caustics.

Water: simple plane with CoronaDisplacementMod
UHD Cache: Animation (flicker-free)
Denoise: Corona High Quality (doesn't seem to be the problem)
Caustics Solver Enable. Caustics from Environment Enable.
I tried with Displacement Screen Size and World Size. Same problem/results.
Water Material: CoronaPhysicalMtl (water)   Caustics (Slow) ON.
Corona 9 (Hotfix3)


Flickering caustics in animation may happen and we have reports about them already.
There is no specific fix for this situation and it can vary from scene to scene.

Can you please try rendering the same sequence with both solvers set to Path Tracing and let us know if there are any improvements?

No no, I think you thought about it more complicated than it is.

What I proposed it to simply have IDs for polygons and assing them specific static materials, without randomization. This can be done either through separate materials either with CoronaMultiMap with Material ID mode, without other options to randomzie.

The reason you are getting different texture each frame is that because of the animation, there are different number of faces on each frame. E.g. the randomization happens for 10 faces, then for 11 faces, then for 12 etc, which effectively changes the seed.

But this will not be the case if the polygons have specific materials assigned to them only through IDs, which stay intact regardless of number of faces and animation.
You can try simply disabling all randomization modes for CoronaMultiMap and enable only "Face material ID". This way the intended look may change, but materials will be locked in place from start to finish of the animation.


I have checked the scene and unfortunately this is expected given how the VRay proxy is animated.
The number of faces (and effectively their indices) changes, and so does the randomization.

I think the workaround is to have different IDs for the roofs and randomize by Material ID instead of Mesh Element.

Hope this helps.


If you are trying to achieve a transLUCENT (transparent is see-through) fabric, which has a light shining from behind - the effect in the screenshots you shared - then it can be easily done just with self-illumination. You can add a bit of sheen just for sake of it.
You can as well enable the translucency and create a light behind it, but it will give more or less the same results but with longer render times.

Hope this helps.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Masks for Decals
« on: 2024-04-29, 22:15:28 »

Letting you know that we already have a task for supporting Decals in CMasking_Mask and possibly other render elements.

(Report ID=CMAX-27)

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