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[C4D] I need help! / Re: Corona Shadow Catcher for interior
« Last post by TomG on Today at 18:33:18 »
Not sure what you mean by stopped answering you - was there a ticket number, where you are not receiving any replies? Thanks!
Hi Simon,

thanks for your work on this script!
I'm trying to download the file from Mediafire but I couldn't do it with any of the links from the previous to the last version of the script. I was given the following message: "There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."
Am I doing anything wrong or what?
(Report ID=CMAX-981)
(Report ID=CMAX-982)
The total noise amount is averaged, but adaptive sampling means Corona puts more processing power into areas that are noisy.

Are there any settings we can tweak to adjust the adaptive sampler? Im finding that even after 500 passes some shadows are still noticeably noisy pre-denoiser whereas the rest of the image is crisp and clear.
Gallery / Garden in the Museum
« Last post by nobrand studio on Today at 16:53:53 »
Happy to share this project wiht all of you and hope you like it.

Inspired in Casa Horadada by @erentiarquitectos

Thank you for your attention and support!

You can follow us.
hello @brr

I have logged the new feature request for this.

(Report ID=CMAX-980)
Gallery / Ferrari 250 GTO 1962
« Last post by onb.artdesign on Today at 16:29:48 »
Hello to everyone.
Today I will share with you my Ferrari 250 GTO 1962 Project. HDR dome was used as light source and environmental design.
It was designed with Corona 11 and 3d max software.
 I hope you like it.
 If you want to follow me, my Instagram address is
HDR by:
has this issue been solved ? it's just impossible to work with scenes with cgeo objects, takes ages to load, consumes all memory...

Can you please contact us at and attach any scene with the problem? (including all assets)
[Max] I need help! / Re: Virtualized RAM uesd by Corona its increasiing
« Last post by Avi on Today at 16:08:54 »
Which version of Corona you are using and what exactly you are doing when you notice sudden increase in Ram? Such as, adding more displacement or rendering at even higher resolution, adding too many render element, etc.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Discrepency between Beauty and Light Mix
« Last post by Avi on Today at 16:03:48 »

Regarding the crash, it was fixed by installing 3ds Max security update for 2024. Seems like 3ds Max was the issue for the crash.
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