Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Daily Builds
Chaos Corona 11 for 3ds Max - Daily Builds Changelog
For all information about the daily builds and the download link, see: Daily Builds FAQ
Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
If you are familiar with the daily builds and know how to use them, download the newest one here:
Note: All changes in this build will be released in a v10 Hotfix
* Fixed issue where Cosmos freezes 3ds Max if closed too quickly after start.
* Fixed issue where using "Camera physical size" with UHD/4K cache led to freeze.
* Fixed issue where using "Camera physical size" sometimes broke object picking from VFB.
* Fixed issue where CIE crashes after deleting Curves tone mapping operator with an opened editor.
* Fixed issue where creating a region during pre-rendering phases led to a crash.
Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
If you are familiar with the daily builds and know how to use them, download the newest one here:
* Bucket rendering - improved decision when to revert to random pixel rendering based on render regions and rendering mask.
* Intel OIDN denoiser can now use the GPU for denoising - updated to version 2.0
* If a compatible GPU is found, the denoiser will automatically be switched to use it, otherwise we will fallback to the CPU
* Can be overridden in the devel/experimental rollout
* Nvidia driver version 522.06 or newer is required
* Support for AMD cards will be added in the future
* Added maxscript alias "excludeMode" for "occlusionFrom" in CoronaAO map to support older scripts.
* Lister - added "Make unique" action for instances
* Lister - added texmap editors to light and light material
* Fixed freeze occurring when parsing ForestPack scatter with objects that use animation mode.
* Fixed sampling for maps with ObjectXYZ mapping
New Scatter Features!
* Added controls for altitude distribution limitation.
* Added Look At
* When converting scatter to geometry, the resulting geometry is automatically set to be visible in rendering.
* When instance is translated directly by the user, new instances no longer appear at its original location when collision avoidance is enabled.
* Fixed being able to select instances even though Edit Instances mode is disabled.
* Fixed rendering of instances with surface color map for surfaces whose diffuse maps use ObjectXYZ mapping.
* Improved scatter warning/error message texts.
Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
If you are familiar with the daily builds and know how to use them, download the newest one here:
* Added option to set input color space of Corona Bitmap. Uses OCIO config selected in 3ds Max for automatic detection of bitmap input space and for transform between color spaces.
* Added new bump/normal map filtering options to Skin and Physical material. It has the following modes;
* 'None' Maps are not filtered - this gives the most accurate look, however it can lead to significantly increased noise/flickering
* 'Linear' - Normal/bump maps are filtered linearly as any other map. This may lead to changes in appearance when using different zoom or resolution.
* 'Roughness modulation' - default. The same as Linear, however the material roughness is modified in order to preserve appearance as much as possible when changing zoom/resolution.
* CIE CLI - Added "--batch" parameter for faster processing of multiple files. An updated script is attached to this thread
* Improved rendering speed of Triplanar texmap (up to 3x in extreme cases).
* Fixed rare crash which occurred when loading scene using the ForestPack plugin.
* Fixed issue where GRPC will crash when Cosmos service is not running.
New Scatter Features!
* Added support for groups and hierarchies scattering.
Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
If you are familiar with the daily builds and know how to use them, download the newest one here:
* Improved the opening time of scenes that contain CoronaVolumeGrid, CoronaProxy or CoronaFumeFxMod in Max 2024 and newer.
* Added option to Corona Convertor for switching normal filtering mode for all materials in the scene.
* Added global switch to system settings for default value of normal filtering mode for newly created materials.
* Further tweaking normal filtering mode roughness modulation.
* Significantly improved loading times of scenes (up to 3x).
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