Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Daily Builds

CoronaPattern playground!

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At some point, too time consuming becomes the same thing as impossible, which is what we have here - it can be taken as physically impossible. As a note for some offsets, you can use two patterns, especially now that there is the mapping for making a pattern visible or invisible, just have them set up with an offset and one pattern visible on one row, then another on the next.

Hope this helps!

If you modify your pattern tile so that its edges become symmetrical, then it's possible to get seamless result from Corona pattern. The process of setting it up is more labor intensive, but if you absolutely need to use Corona pattern and have seamless tiling, it might be worth to try it. The downside is that you loose an option to use transformational randomization and your color randomization options shrink down to material ID only.


--- Quote from: TomG on 2024-07-16, 07:26:31 ---At some point, too time consuming becomes the same thing as impossible, which is what we have here - it can be taken as physically impossible. As a note for some offsets, you can use two patterns, especially now that there is the mapping for making a pattern visible or invisible, just have them set up with an offset and one pattern visible on one row, then another on the next.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the clarification Tom, got it. Sometimes you have to put up with cruel reality and accept its blows with dignity :D

It's funny, but when I wrote the very first request about this, it seemed to me that of all the requested features, this was the easiest thing to implement, “just multiply the coords by a scalar and that's it”

--- Quote from: romullus on 2024-07-16, 11:11:54 ---If you modify your pattern tile so that its edges become symmetrical, then it's possible to get seamless result from Corona pattern. The process of setting it up is more labor intensive, but if you absolutely need to use Corona pattern and have seamless tiling, it might be worth to try it. The downside is that you loose an option to use transformational randomization and your color randomization options shrink down to material ID only.

--- End quote ---

Thanks, Romullus, yeah, i come up with something like your approach

It will be nice to have patterns library or some pre made ones for the fabrics)))

Is there a way to alternate "flip" the coronapattern on an object? I.e. the way floorgenerator plugin works where it can flip boards randomly. So every now and then, my panel would flip on x or y axis to give more randomization?

I found the rotate function and set increments, but it doesn't give the result i'm after. I'm trying to do something like these facade panels (attached). Could probably get the effect I want by dividing the object and flip the UV mapping in some areas, but it would be very tedious and loose the flexibility coronapattern offers.

Also, I can't seem to get the "auto-gen caps" function to do anything (example attached).

And I'm having issues with seems. The object it's "scattered on" is fully welded in the corner, but I still get this result (attached)


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