Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Daily Builds

CoronaPattern playground!

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It looks very cool indeed. How did you do the pattern itself, Marchik?


--- Quote from: romullus on 2022-07-14, 14:16:52 ---It looks very cool indeed. How did you do the pattern itself, Marchik?

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Thanks guys, splines and Ornatrix, one for the main threads, separately for the fluffy ones.

I really would like to be able to scale and overlap the patterns a little bit, so as not to have such problems when joining together chaotic patterns like this.
Ondra, is it possible to implement or they must be strictly separated, each in its own square?


--- Quote from: marchik on 2022-07-14, 15:40:07 ---Thanks guys, splines and Ornatrix, one for the main threads, separately for the fluffy ones.

I really would like to be able to scale and overlap the patterns a little bit, so as not to have such problems when joining together chaotic patterns like this.
Ondra, is it possible to implement or they must be strictly separated, each in its own square?

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Looks awesome!

Would you mind sharing your scene? I'd love to try it out.


--- Quote from: marchik on 2022-07-14, 13:01:45 ---just testing

Edit: omg romullus, I missclicked and selected the wrong topic, please delete or move this msg)

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DUDE... :|



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