Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] General Discussion
Open PBR support?
Hi All,
is there an open PBR support planned? not sure of this wish was already put or is on a list on comign features?
it woudl help greatly
thanks for Info!
There's nothing planned at the moment, sorry. As ever, the Ideas Portal will let you add the suggestion (or vote for it, if someone has already made the suggestion), at .
hm ok. i wil make a request
what i still not understand why vray and corona not are sharing forces better, vray 7 has openPBR p.e (i assume c4d too whne it comes out)
Both engines have different target users, and so we evaluate the priorities separately. Not only that, but having something developed for one engine helps in different amounts when it comes to developing the same feature for another engine - in some cases, some code can be shared, in some cases (most, really) only general pointers can be shared and most of the work still needs to be entirely redone as if from scratch, because the engines have very different codebases. Hope this helps explain the question on "sharing forces" :)
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