Author Topic: [Useful Scripts\Tools]  (Read 262350 times)

2015-04-14, 16:30:59
Reply #165


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Design connected just released the public release of there app. Good times.

2015-04-16, 14:49:24
Reply #166


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Hello, thanks for pointing out to Connecter app - that is one nice asset browser, of course it is quite feature lacking especially in comparison to Project Manager - which is very, very good and at the same very lame looking especially when compared to Connecter which is way easier on the eyes plus imho the whole idea of running it as a separate app and running scripts only then interacting with max is so much cleaner and safer. Not to mention it's free ))

 To make up for that find - here's the awesomeness which I recently found : almost all of his scripts are awesome but especially those which have "Uni" at their names - as simple their functionality might seem from a first glance as good they are for making life easier - they can be mapped to a quad menu or a hotkeys and can speedup your modelling process tremendously.

 not sure if it wasn't posted already but - - imo it is probably one the best randomizers out there, in some regards it is far superior even to this one which is quite good too.
 and this or awesomeness - I personally found that one just some month ago but it have been there for years and how much of my time would it save if I'd found it earlier !

 Some months ago Cyrus3v asked obout terrain making\optimizing process - sorry I've missed the thread back then but here's the tools which in my experience are the best for the task:

1) if you are working with already done shitmesh (no better word to call it) as you posted;topic=4908.0;attach=25107;image then probably the allready mentioned is your best choice - it will make nice and clean quad (mostly) geometry out of that and it will be far easier to work with. The only problem with it - if your survey\terrain is large and you need some more detailed features/areas/parts like some roads gradings, rivers, lakes etc - huge polycounts may be needed - sometimes really huge and thus manual optimization will be necessary - still it is the best choice in that case. Saddly plugin wasn't updated for max 2015 and later - though I really hope that it will not be forgotten.

2) if you're working with raw survey data - be it point or isoline type then this is the ULTIMATE (no kidding - just watch it's youtube tutorials) solution or at least so at this current time - - it's not free but it is worth every cent.
 Anything you throw at it it will chew and make you an awesome highly detailed (where needed) and highly optimized (in some some flatter\less detailed areas) parametric object on which you can later add roads and their grading, some flat areas for planned buildings, rivers, lakes etc. and then convert it to polys if needed.
 Splineland's terrain meshing solution is the best of all that I've seen, and I've seen plenty of those - even most of those which are used in dedicated survey\terrain\infrastracture\etc modelling applications aren't giving such results and in most cases will give results which are close to that that max's crappy/stupid/ugly/default/hate it :) terrain meshing solution can provide, which will all be more or less close to that "shitmesh" you've posted due to simillar shitty and presumably outdated algorhytm which most of them use.
 Even in case when I get similar "shitmesh" to work with I first run it trough Populate Terrain to get a cleaner mesh and then using contour line generation by max's default Section (located in spline creation tab) tool feed those newly created isolines to Splineland for much easier and cleaner + more optimized results.
 Not to mention that you can use different scale survey data parts to combine those into a single terrain with different detailing for let's say close\point of interest\building site and far one for some distant forest\fields\city\whatever, provided both those surveys are alligned properly and are sharing the same height system which of course can be adjusted manually. The only bad thing I can tell about Splineland (apart from some minor but tolerable bugs) it can take quite a lot of time to calculate some large and highly detailed terrain and it can chew quite large amounts of ram (seen even more than 32 gigs with one case) in the process but as I've wrote the result is totally worth it.
Hope that helps someone :)

PS: Sorry for such a long post but when I write about that wonderful plugin I just cannot stop especially considered some strange and totally uncalled for lack of attention from cg community - my verdict would be : it is one of the best, most useful and most complex yet easy to use plugins for 3ds max and possibly net only max ever !             


« Last Edit: 2015-04-16, 15:07:07 by antanas »

2015-04-16, 15:57:46
Reply #167

Caue Rodrigues

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2015-04-16, 18:28:07
Reply #168


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Just posted this little script on scriptspot:

What it does
  • Sets current layer to '0' and sets color to purple (this can be changed by the user very easily, just look inside the script)
  • Sets maxs: displayColor.shaded = #material AND displayColor.wireframe = #object
  • Resets all viewports and disables all grids (who uses the grid anyway?) ;)
  • Purges Layers with prompt (only if there's unused layers in the scene).
  • Sets all objects OR selected objects to ByLayer and to layer '0'. What this means is the color of the wireframe will match that of the layer it is currently on. With max's layer control much better now (Since 2015), it's best to utilise layer control on objects as opposed to on a per object basis.
  • Again, purges Layers with prompt (only if there's unused layers in the scene) based on previous choice.
  • Automatically Saves.
I really needed it as lately I'm cleaning a lot assets in this way. Script is very discreet :]

2015-04-29, 09:54:54
Reply #169


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Thanks guys for all the scripts. The list was updated.

antanas, thanks for the help with the scripts. I am working again on a mesh provided by the Civil's team and once again it is a nightmare. The Populate script when I tried didn't work properly and then I have this constraint that is respecting the levels. So, for example, with roads I need to keep all the values at 71.5.

I have been using the ShapeMerge feature from 3ds Max to cut the terrain and insert clean geometry. Not an easy task when you have a terrain with 1,433,233.18 m². It consumes all my time now, but I am still trying to find a good workflow to work with Revit models and 3ds Max + Corona.

2015-05-03, 16:34:19
Reply #170


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 Hello - sorry I've missed that post and saw it only today, all I can say - I know your pain bro )))

 About Populate terrain - it is quite picky in terms of overlapping geometry non welded vertexes etc. and one surely needs to check the mesh for those using either xView or relax modifier or some other methods which can help to pinpoint and correct those issues before running Populate terrain on those. I've even got some positive results running that mesh through zBrush using it's mesh check and then tools like Zremesher or even running it through meshlab or similar types of software and then bringing that mesh back to max - but that doesn't work on all meshes so probably there is no 100% universal solution for such cases.
 About Splineland, I can say it once more - if you got isoline or point data and need to keep 3dsmax only workflow then imho it is the best tool for the job. Sadly they got no official demo or trial version and one needs to resolve to piracy to testdrive it - cgp and gfxdomain can both help you with that, and even though that "testdriving" method may be unsuitable to you, I still highly recommend to try it. If I understand this "So, for example, with roads I need to keep all the values at 71.5." correctly and you've meant the angle of a road grading slope - so yes, you can do that using Splineland for both up and down slopes and even do different slope angles for different roads\foundations\anything if needed.

 It's not script or plugin related but I think you can still find that quite useful )
 When working with some really large terrains (like that for example I usually do those using Infraworks - one can call that userfriendly civil\map 3d for dummies but it really gets the job done and is as extremely powerful as it is extremely easy to use and learn (at least in terms of gis or civil program types) and it can chew almost any type of gis data, be it satellite imagery satelline gdem, some lidar pointcloud data, isolines or whatewer else - hell you can even import shapefiles exported from openstreetmap to get some basic buildings and roads to speed up the process, not to mention it got roads with all their slopes\gradings too and most importantly one can export that via FBX or even by simply sending that to 3dsmax, though I would advice against the latter due to large quantity of unmanageable textures which you'll get this way. So I highly advice to try that one too as it made my life doing such jobs way less a living hell like )))

 Hope that helps.

2015-05-09, 23:11:47
Reply #171


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BatchItMax by Paul Neale:

I've the script set up so it goes through my directory and opens and saves the file and changes the units to the system units. Just change the line in the code from:
Code: [Select]
loadMaxFile maxFiles_mlb.items[x] useFileUnits:true quiet:trueto:
Code: [Select]
loadMaxFile maxFiles_mlb.items[x] useFileUnits:false quiet:true
This will automatically change every file to use the system setup you prefer (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE IT SET UP IN MAX BEFORE YOU RUN THE SCRIPT). This method resets Xform automatically of scale whilst not resetting the rotation of the objects.

And the script may come back with a error: (If so) Change:
Code: [Select]
fileProperties.addProperty #custom "Computer:" sysInfo.computername
Code: [Select]
tempsysInfocomputername = sysInfo.computername
fileProperties.addProperty #custom "Computer:" tempsysInfocomputername as string --sysInfo.computername

Extremely powerful tool so test your custom scripts on dummy files first. Although it does have an option to save out the files to a different folder.

3 scripts I run to give you an example of its uses are:
FileinGamma to 2.2, FileoutGamma to 2.2
Change all objects to layer 0, purge layers, fix if any retimers exist
Reset viewports (So that the thumbnails appear correctly)

I have a script to also rename objects based on their class nodes type with the filename as a prefix but I'm just testing it at the moment. Screen shot below. Will post here once I'm happy with it. It works with groups and nested groups. Mainly used for scene assets as they're mostly they're Box_001 etc. This makes life a little easier.
« Last Edit: 2015-05-10, 00:22:52 by 3dwannab »

2015-05-29, 01:16:53
Reply #172


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Ladies and gentlemen:

Allows re-linking of files without opening them by using the max files METADATA. Serious script this!

A pretty powerful example of use is to scan your entire folder structure and change the drive letter in the links.

2015-06-02, 09:17:26
Reply #173


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Thanks 3dwannab for the links.

I found one that for me is a great script:

projectSwitcher v0.31

Allows you to quickly change between projects without having to select the folder again and again.


I found a workflow that although laborious it works quite well. It works like that:

1 - Select and detach the geometry you need to "clean"
2 - Use the contour technique with the Splines\Section
3 - Create a new terrain with the Compound Objects\Terrain
4 - Run the Terrain script
5 - Stitch everything together. Is not that bad. :P

It is a shame that there is no Splineland demo, so for now I will stick with this technique.

2015-06-02, 14:37:42
Reply #174


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Serious script this!

Damn yes :- )
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2015-06-03, 16:21:44
Reply #175


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like this, most of all for architectural:
My Ducati or a render with Corona.....mmm, hard question!

2015-06-16, 01:58:41
Reply #176


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Populate the SME with scene materials. Got this code from somewhere but modified it to remember if SME was open in the first place and placed a catch() and gc() as some precautionary measures. SME - Slate mat editor.

Code: [Select]
issmeopen = sme.IsOpen()

--delete and create a new view
sme.DeleteView 1 false
NewView = sme.GetView(sme.CreateView "View1")

--populate the view
for m in scenematerials do
    try(NewView.CreateNode m [0,0])catch()

--arrange the view
actionMan.executeAction 369891408 "40060"
completeredraw() --redraw the views

-- open the sme if open before
if issmeopen == true then sme.Open() else sme.Close()

2015-06-17, 08:26:49
Reply #177

Ludvik Koutny

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Populate the SME with scene materials.

Why would you use script for this? It's built-in option in SME. Material>Get All Scene Materials.

2015-06-17, 10:30:36
Reply #178


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When batch scripting 1,000s of assets. Anything that saves me a thousand or so clicks is fine with me.

2015-06-25, 11:30:30
Reply #179


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mipoll Placement for 3ds Max 2008 - 2016

I still need to test it, but it seems really good.