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Messages - Fritzlachatte

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8
with the benchmark search is a good idea, thanks.
I was just thinking about the sense or benefit of buying an Epyc CPU/Board instead of a Threadripper in hope somebody would have known exact prices or had experiences.
Was just wondering if I missed something because nobody is offering the Epyc CPUs + equipment and AMD always talks about CPUs for Datacenters. Therefrom it might have been just for large companies at the beginning... but we will see, thanks.

Gallery / Re: Product / Interior Mixture Visuals
« on: 2017-07-26, 18:23:22 »
Wunderbar! I wouldn´t have known that these pictures are no photos aswell. I realy like the plaster.

Hardware / Threadripper Vs. Epyc and their market appearance
« on: 2017-07-23, 09:51:19 »

more and more there come new informations or keep repeating about AMD Threadripper and Epyc aka Naples.
The prices appear in the anticipated range, but what I was wondering (or not, really) how expensice the Threadripper Mainboard might be.
( wccftech:"We are hearing prices close to ASUS PRIME X299 Deluxe which costs $499 US.") Which sound logical, because they can address more the fancy gaming enthusiast and maybe less the "prosumers".(With ugly LED show and fire spitting dragons etc.)  If this price dimension would be a general benchmark there is a much lower benefit by using a well priced Threadripper.
This was the reason why I started comparing the prices e.g. Epyc 7401p with 24 cores >1000€ +Gigabyte MZ31-AR0 (?€) with the Ripper and it really interests me what you guys think?!
Wasn´t Epyc already launched, haven´t seen any resellers neither CPUs nor Mainboards. Was it just a paperlaunch or are they all sold to Facebook?

What are your appreciations about both products and appearance in the market. I think TR will come out around August 10th, but Epyc?
Thanks in advance

General CG Discussion / Re: Blender new viewport Eevee
« on: 2017-07-19, 10:23:32 »
Making autodesk run for their money faster and faster

looks like some hair is missing along the grey fur gaps. Furthermore the fur looks quite scruffy "unstroked" and those extincted eyes look like the cat is more than sleeping.
But anyway, leaving the "dead cat" on cobblestones is way to cruel, it looks like passed over by a car... not funny.

Thanks for all these demonstrative explenations.
I really have to play around with it to test the RAM saving aspect. But Juraj`s rude 90s comparison was my first impression as well, a little bit if Malibu Stacy refuses washing her hair.
But this shows clearly the need of addons like Ornatrix or a proper use of H&F ... or somewhere in the future "Corona Hairbrush 3000 "

Anyway thanks for explaining.

Hi, all those images look interesting, but I don´t realy understand (in case of fur not hair) the advantage over a selfmade shader.
For rendering a pleasant fur plaid, it was more the absence of 100% utilizing AD Hair&Fur and having massive RAM flooding. The optic for itself was good enough, it was more the rude hair/fur structure, not the shader which bothered me and spit out low memory warnings like hell.
The only alternative seem to be Ornatrix or HairFarm, but I always had the wish corona would offer an inhouse solution like corona scatter instead of Forestpack.
What is the real benefit of the shader? Is it just for Hair in combination with e.g. DAZ 3D ?! If there would be an implementation of H&F like Vray etc. use, would H&F still remain as a RAM eater? 
Does Ornatrix handle this problem better? Lots of questions sorry.

Gallery / Re: Private house in Kirkuk
« on: 2017-06-29, 15:08:22 »
looks great, but while googling "Kirkuk" and watching the corresponding pictures, I ask myself, who are the people living in such a house?!

But nice colors and nice architecture... nice place?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rainbow metal material
« on: 2017-06-07, 17:13:40 »

I was just wondering why it came suddenly from one second to another while adding "details". Max doesn´t start anymore and firefox crashes the pc while openening. Chrome/Edge work well.And using it for simple things is stable. I would say it is somewhere in RAM + SSD or HDD. :-O
I use a Titan (1) but it never had hard work, because I am never gaming and Max/Corona shouldn´t torture the card that much but you might be right anyway and I have to check it and thanks for your hint.
But the fact that Ryuu mentioned, ECC could not prevent those sneaky errors is astonishing me (in a bad way) because there was a hope of limiting the risk of dataloss/damage in future systems.


This exactly my problem these days, I would like to avoid with my next system. Yesterday Max started crashing, later on PS and now Firefox etc. bluescreens all over. A few weeks ago I changed some RAM because of these symptoms(but by far less dramatic) and now it is the same again. I don´t know if 4 years is an age for a PC (Intel 4770k with Corsair Vengeance) but I am a little bit disappointed.   
I expected AMD would tell us Threadripper comes in June but they just proclaimed "this sommer", which ends in September, by far too late. I feel uncertain buying a Ryzen now, I think 64GB is the same deadend like my 32GB was, when I bought the crashing PC 4 years ago. (btw. can "overfilling" with large Max-files damage the RAM, because it started after loading high detailed models and adding lot of polygons, then crashing and so the story goes on.)   


thanks for your answer. To be honest, I don´t actually know, if those advantages of ECC-Ram are that meaningful for rendering purposes. Sometimes I have in mind, used ECC might sometimes be a good low priced alternative, but I am not so enlightened of the risks using used ECC-Ram.
I can imagine, AMDs Threadripper forces the user into using ECC-Ram but maybe they keep it as an optional choice. Tomorrow we will know more. 


That is interesting, I didn´t know that ECC RAM is supported. I thought this might be another benefit of the Thread Ripper / Naples chipset.
Which RAM / manufacturer did you buy?


Gallery / Re: Meadow Asset
« on: 2017-05-23, 18:10:11 »
couldn´t resist and just in time. I was playing around with my grass assets a few weeks ago and more or less it was always the same boring kitsch, but yours is much more realistic and interesting... can´t wait to pimp something with it:-) 

Gallery / Re: C a c t u s.
« on: 2017-05-23, 08:46:29 »
More than usual congratulations, nice mood, colors, even the typeface is great, thanks for posting!

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