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Gallery / Re: TDR Tower
« Last post by on Today at 09:19:58 »
Thanks a lot
Hello there,
Thank you so much for all your feedback.
We usually ask for testing files because we need to try allocating the root cause, which may differ from one user to another, from one computer to another, and so on.
The more information/files we gather, the more likely we are to find the root cause of the issue.

@frv, thank you for the project; I'm downloading it while writing this reply.
[C4D] General Discussion / Re: C4D 2024.4 Particles
« Last post by TomG on Yesterday at 21:34:00 »
Yep, understood that the cloner isn't used directly when rendering through Redshift (though very similar stuff is going on then, just built in to the UI without going through a Cloner as an extra set up step).
[C4D] General Discussion / Re: C4D 2024.4 Particles
« Last post by Designcoyote1 on Yesterday at 21:04:28 »
That's what I saw too in a video about particles (though all the ones I found just focused on the generation and simulation, and stopped before talking about rendering lol!)
Hie Tom. Actually, you can render the Cinema 4D Particles without having to use the cloner. The cloner method was probably offered as an alternative solution for Render Engines that do not support rendering of the Particles yet. Within the object tag, you can choose different methods of rendering the particles. Hope to see such a feature soon within Corona. Thank you.
Gallery / St. Louis Park, Minnesota Residence Project
« Last post by Beta on Yesterday at 18:44:16 »

This is my latest project regarding a residence near Cedar Lake in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.
Thanks John, love the script. Works very well. Super easy. Makes the asset browser usable again with Maxtree assets.
For each placed Magnolia tree from the asset browser which has the same Magnolia CR material for all different Magnolia trees, C4D will still generate a new material slowing down everything.

Yeah, that's dumb but unfortunately, that's normal according to Maxon since materials are static, unlike objects which can be instantiated and linked. This kept me from building a large model library for a specific long-term project upon the AB and it's too bad since the deep level of integration is nice.

Aturtur wrote a script to merge materials sharing the same name, which is a bit unsafe since a name can be shared by as many materials as you want, even between materials from different render engines. I've modified it to run over the current material selection, which is a bit safer (also fixed a few bugs in the process). It's attached if you need it.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Background and Tone mapping
« Last post by masterzone on Yesterday at 16:01:01 »
Hello to all, I found another annoying issue about ToneMap control shaders applied to a physical material to the background...
Below what happen with and without tone map control into the material...(without tone map you need to adjust camera exposure settings)

here the c4d scene:

Latest C4D and corona render

[EDIT] seems to be the "ACES" that give this strange square splotch on the background...if you disable it the problem is gone...
Problems with the asset browser ? I have stopped using the C4D asset browser.  Maxon has made an overly complicated mess of the asset browser.
Example, I use Maxtree vegetation. For each placed Magnolia tree from the asset browser which has the same Magnolia CR material for all different Magnolia trees, C4D will still generate a new material slowing down everything.
My own libraries are much better organised than what I can do in C4D's browser with less effort without having to duplicate asset files in C4D asset libraries.
Chaos Cosmos works fine though which for me has become one of the reasons to stick with Corona for now.

I am sure the file loading problem will be solved soon as well. After which I will use the latest build for production again.
Maybe best not to spend too much time on solving issues with daily builds. That's work for Chaos.
Gallery / Re: Nevada - Full CGI
« Last post by TomG on Yesterday at 15:08:12 »
TY for updating the link! Now I've been able to head there and hit the old "Appreciate" button :) Lovely work!
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