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Topics - WorkFlow

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Work in Progress/Tests / Bed & Bath - WIP
« on: 2015-03-30, 10:40:54 »
Last week i found some spare time to try myself with another interior shot, inspired by this post on archdaily.

As always, Corona was so awesome to set up, even with the slightly limited features of the Cinema4D version that I use.

What was really weird - I let it render over the whole weekend (66h) and it only reached pass 160..?!
There's no portals for the windows in our version yet, and all the render settings are on default - except highlight compression is 2 and whitebalance 8500.

Scene is lit by Peter Guthrie's 1347 HDRI, no additional lights used.
I'm using 2 x Intel Xeon quad cores with 2,27 GHz.

Unfortunatelly i didn't use a render-stamp so that's all the info i can give...

Anyways I'd be very glas to get feedback about my scene so far, and of course if anyone knows how to speed that thing up, I'd be a happy man! :-)

Work in Progress/Tests / First WIP with Corona for C4D
« on: 2015-02-11, 08:39:17 »

yesterday I finally had enough spare time to try corona on something personal and not confidetial work related!

Inspiration came from a beautiful house featured on archdaily ( and i used some models and altered materials from the free CoronaC4D test scene.

I'd be very glad about comments and especially constructive criticism. :)


(Made with Cinema4D, rendered in 15h on 2 x Xeon E5507)

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