Author Topic: The curious case of the Hair material preview  (Read 1710 times)

2018-09-16, 07:20:30


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I sometimes create my own mat. previews. (the files in C4D Folder/library/materialpreview/ )

For the hair-material, I wanted something like the Arnold preview. Lazy as I am, I just converted the file.
The original uses a spline object which I reconverted to hair, cause splines are not supported yet.

However, the preview is pretty slow with hair. The override to use the original scene doesn't do much, it seems to depend on the pass or time limit but renders way slower(~ 10x) than the file itself at the same resolution. Rotation is futile.
It works fine with polygonal geometry but a poly mesh would increase the file size too much, for my taste.
The colors are also a bit off.

Could we get an optimized preview scene for hair?