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Messages - hurrycat

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Custom shape render region
« on: 2024-05-29, 16:14:34 »
I recently learned that you can Ctrl+Click on a region (in the Corona VFB) and then expand it to create a green area that renders in a slower pace compared to what is inside the red region, giving a fade effect.

Similarly, having the option to render selected object(s) but expanded with a pixel radius may solve the current Render Selected mode, which is not perfect and usually ends up looking like overlaying a PNG in Photoshop.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: MultiTexture odd behaviour
« on: 2024-05-10, 13:04:07 »
Perhaps you have Global Rendering disabled in SME? (Options -> Enable Global Rendering or teapot icon at the bottom left of the window)

I can confirm that the same thing is happening to me.

Gallery / Re: Ivy Sofa
« on: 2024-03-07, 14:34:29 »
Terrific images!! May I ask if you're adding effects like photo abberation or anything else in post? I really like how the leaves don't seem to have sharp cutouts, which is the biggest reason in my opinion why images with vegetation appear fake.

I would look for materials with extreme displacement values in the scene, that end up covering the view. Another thing could be a carpet with a Fur modifier maybe.

Try using the Pick button in the Frame Buffer and click on the red. It will probably select the object you're looking for.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Unhandled Exception
« on: 2024-02-13, 10:21:27 »
I have come across this several times. For me it crashes 3ds Max after denoising is done. If I cancel in time before denoising finishes then it won't crash but I get the error you're showing when saving as CXR.

For me it's always the RAM filling up (even though i have 128gb) and then the page file on the hard disk also filling up. So little RAM + little space in the disk = crash.

Try optimizing the scene, less render elements, smaller resolutions, invest in more ram + disk space.

I am using the latest Forest Pack Ver 8.25. CPU 3970x, 128gb RAM, GPU GTX 1650. I wll start the ticket and upload the mini dump and the scene as soon as possible!

[Max] General Discussion / Re: lightmix - lights values
« on: 2024-01-31, 10:28:03 »
You can bake the intensity and color values to the scene lights, before pressing lightmix again.

But yeah, a less cumbersome option to add or remove lights from Lightmix would be great.

Sorry for the tangent here, but can't Vantage be used for animations (and not only for quick drafts) ? But with a hit to quality ofc, as the lighting and other effects must be calculated much faster and you are limited by the GPU Vram?

I tried it also right now, after updating to Corona 11 HF 1 and the problem is still there, but I couldn't also reproduce it at first. Here is what I did:

1. Open empty scene. Make a plane. Create a Forest Pro object on the plane (Forest001). Choose a preset (eg. Layered Lawns). Create a Corona Sun. Hide said Forest object, save and exit.
2. Open the same scene. Go into IR, unhide the Forest object. No crash happens, it renders fine.
3. Create a second Forest object (eg. Meadows) on the same plane (Forest002). Hide both, save and exit.
4. Open the scene, go into IR. Unhide Forest002, no crash occurs. Unhide Forest001, 3ds max crashes.

So maybe you have to add complexity to the scene and then it may lead to a crash. Let me know if you can reproduce it now.

I would think there is no way this can be done automatically. You can duplicate all proxy instances to mesh (from the coronaproxy options) before exporting or set the proxy display option to Full mesh and then add an Edit Mesh modifier (quickly tested this and seems to work), whichever option works best for you.

So as the title says, if you open a 3ds max scene that has a hidden Forest object, then go into IR and then unhide it while on IR, 3ds Max will probably crash.

Happening on 3ds Max 2024.2, Corona 11. I remember it happening also on 3ds Max 2023 and Corona 9.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Object excluded by light
« on: 2024-01-25, 13:41:52 »
I think what you mean is that you want to have a plane facing the camera acting as the surrounding view (for a window view for example)? And you want the Sun to pass through that?

If that's the case I think you need to disable cast shadows in the object's properties. Sadly i don't think there is a way for the sun disk to be visible through that, you'd have to mask out the sky using an opacity map. Also I find that Coronalight material is best for such cases (assign it to the plane).

You have to have Photographic Exposure enabled on the VFB. You can add it if its not there.

I realized someone would have pointed them out by now! Thank you.

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