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Messages - alan zirpoli

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Other problems i found. IES profile doesn't allow the render to start. Blender point light object it's not supported.

@blanchg So, as I said by moving everything on an external drive I solve the errors I get. I assume that my windows system it's the reason due to permission issues as Burnin said.

Now, I've tested in a simple scene and I didn't have problems by launching the render, everything ran smooth. On the other side for a good usability, I think that real-time preview of the scene (like in max) it's necessary  especially because right now the simple material preview doesn't update correctly when you play with values. Also, editing materials can be done in the material editor and the node editor, but in the material editor things like glossy texture aren't available like instead does in the node editor.

So shading usability along with the few node input to me feels the most undeveloped area.

Ok so, guess what, I've just tried the opposite by moving all to the NAS and now it's working. If I move everything on local drive gets the error I've posted above.

Right now is already on local drive. It's on the desktop actually, I moved to the external drive (a network hardrive - NAS) just the project folder where the conf. file is.

I see, so I moved the project file path to an external drive, that solve that error but now i got this.
It seems to not find some file. Is he referring to the line above? If so what's missing?


If you can have a look at Blenders console (On Windows choose Window \ Toggle Console)

That might give you a hint,

The most common thing is setting up a temporary export directory, this is in the main render settings (camera icon) right down the bottom.

I still didn't get what's wrong.

As soon as I'm able to get it run I will do some tests.

First of all thanks for your works (I'm currently not able to make it work, but one step at the time)

Kickstarters work well though you need a good sized population to make it happen, unfortunately if you count the number of people who use blender and want to use Corona then that number is quite small :)

I know blender has not that much of critical mass professionals user base especially in combination with corona, however, I think that with a better integrated version, easier to install, it could grow easily. I'm a Blender trainer mostly in the archviz field and this specific combination I think it could be really good.
A crowdfunding campaign could really be the tool to understand if there are enough interested users.
How many devs do you think it would be needed? Time and costs? Just to have an idea.

There is progress being made here (disclaimer, I am the developer) It works, there are still some things that could be improved so please submit any issues you find This is based off the previous work by Joel, updated to work with Corona Standalone 1.5+

So I've tried the corona version 2016-08-22 (dropbox folder) , succesfully installed the addon, set the .exe filepath and project path, but it doesn't start the render, or for better say, it start the render but is not launching the standalone of corona.

What am I missing?

Hello everyone!

I WANT CORONA, and I'm using blender.
These days I thought about making a kickstarter campaign to fund some dev to create an opensource exporter addon or a dedicated blender version like for vray or octane.

I don't know anything about both crowdfunding and dev, so what do you think about it? Is there anything already in progress? Could it be done? Which would be a fund goal? Anybody interested?

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