Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] I need help!

HDRI & Background way to dark

<< < (4/4)

I have some big problem with HDRi color profiles or gamma or some reason I don't know.
I can set the HDRi correctly in 3ds max but in C4D I try many way but I can not. (I tried to change between Linear or sRGB workflow but not working)

Color of HDRi sky in C4D is wrong for me. Please see attached image will realize the problem clearly.
This is important with me. Please help me if you know how to fix this problem.

Happy with any helps.

Which version of Corona? If 6, are you using the C4D color space for the VFB?

I am using Corona 6, and checked Using C4D Color Space.
(But I think C4D Color Space is a few effects only, not big different as image)

I tried many way like Linear, sRGB, turn off Linear Workflow but not working.

Can you send me any example for tested high quality HDRi in both of 3ds Max and C4D with same result?
(Of course with same setting like HDR intensity, LUTs, highlight compress, exposure, saturation...)

Thank you.

As a check, what do things look like if you do not use the C4D color space? It can be enabled/disabled at any time (even after a render is complete).


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