Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Bug Reporting

Seamless option does not work



I posted about this bug a while ago, but I believe it has yet to be fixed, so I'm bringing it back up again. The SEAMLESS OPTION worked in previous Corona versions. It does not work anymore. Please repair it.


You sure about it?
Works same, either sing Cinema or Corona materials (w10, 2024.4.1, latest v13 daily). 

here's an example. As I previously reported, it was confirmed by others, and I was told that problem will be reported to the Corona team to be fixed.


Hello LeSill,

Thank you so much for posting this.
I don't think the Seamless feature will work correctly using a texture map that is not 1:1 in ratio; plus, using this feature, there's a big chance it will create another pattern over the object's surface that is still not entirely seamless.
Additionally, Maxon explained this feature in their User Guide for Cinema 4D at:
I'll suggest using the Corona Mapping Randomizer shader and/or the Triplanar shader instead.
Corona Mapping Randomizer shader
Corona Triplanar shader
I tried reproducing this (I mean, trying enabling/disabling the C4D's Seamless feature) using Corona versions from 7 to the latest Daily build + different C4D versions from R23 up to 2024, but I haven't had luck making it work as you intend to.
You mentioned this used to work; could you please provide me with the info about the exact/correct Corona version where this used to work like you mentioned? This way it'll be easier for me to track it down.


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