Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Bug Reporting
Cubic mapping / BUMP causes bug when scaled
Please view the attached pictures. I created two cubes and one material, which included an albedo map and a BUMP map. One cube's material tag projection is set to UVW mapping, while the other's is set to CUBIC. I adjusted the UVW mapping's Length U to fxp 20% and then scaled the CUBIC mapping to 20% using the TEXTURE tool. The cubic mapping produces a glitch. It's caused by BUMP. When I turn it off, the albedo map is fine. Please solve this bug as soon as possible.
Many thanks
Hmm, can't replicate this either...
Perhaps that is a bug in my Cinema. Please try to open the file I have attached here. There's an albedo map and a problematic BUMP map. You should encounter the bug there. There could be a relation with the option "Use UVW for bump".
Did anyone test the file? It would be helpful to know whether the issue is with the Cinema installation or the Corona plugin. Many thanks for any response.
Try latest daily, as bump bug 's been squashed.
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