Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] I need help!
Is it expected that Corona parses the scene each time when doing these things :
- modifying the region size and position when it's in use
- changing a light intensity and its position and direction ?
Genuinely asking since it adds a significant delay to the IR while things are already in memory.
--- Quote ---- modifying the region size and position when it's in use
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This doesn't happen on all scenes but is based on some special materials or something else. Sometimes I can change camera tag value without see the IR refreshed. Same for the render region, on some scenes the VFB doesn't refresh...
--- Quote ---- changing a light intensity and its position and direction ?
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I think here is more difficult to avoid the refreshing, you are talking to store into the memory the light intensity and its position, but the light intensity move its radius based on inverse square area, so if you level up the light, more distance is covered so you need to render again the GI and calculation...
The position of the light is more complicated due to the same must refresh the rendering due to a different distance of the light from surfaces...
Thanks for the explanation Alex.
--- Quote from: masterzone on 2024-07-24, 14:59:25 ---
I think here is more difficult to avoid the refreshing, you are talking to store into the memory the light intensity and its position, but the light intensity move its radius based on inverse square area, so if you level up the light, more distance is covered so you need to render again the GI and calculation...
The position of the light is more complicated due to the same must refresh the rendering due to a different distance of the light from surfaces...
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I can understand that but what's bothering me is that it doesn't happen in every scene. I'm working on a new scene which is still really small (few textured assets and an HDRI for lookdev) and altering the HDRI settings, or the light's ones, or some material parameters doesn't require parsing. The VFB is just displaying "IR - Editing Document" and stays interactive.
So I guess it depends on the scene complexity, and that beyond a certain point parsing can't be avoided ?
I tried on many scenes to find what element is refreshing the VFB during IR...but nothing...some shaders? light parameters? nothing...
When I working on some clay render all is ok, I can change white balance or exposition value without refresh, but when I start the texting there are some elements that make the IR to refresh...displacement? I don't know...
I will try to take a look more deeply....
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