Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Feature Requests

Easy double sided decals...

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Hi All,

First I wanted to say the new decals are AWESOME! Being able to bend them is a massive one. Is there a simple way to impliment double sided decals? Would be super handy for bottle labels needing white paper on the back. I know Tom showed me a way to do it but can't remeber and it was a bit labour intensive.


--- Quote from: johnnyswedish on 2024-07-03, 20:22:15 ---Is there a simple way to impliment double sided decals?

--- End quote ---

Yes, there is and it's very easy to setup. Just use Corona front-back map(shader) and plug different textures for front and back.

HI Romullus,

I can't find this in C4D, is it a Max ting?

It's a native Corona map and i thought it would be available in C4D too. Maybe it has different name, or it could be that it's not available for some reasons? Hopefully someone who knows better, will chime in and clarify situation.

Nope, ain't no such thing present in C4D.
But there's workaround posted in "2 sided material c4d front back material tag vs layered material normal map mask"

Article on "How to create a 2 sided layered material? - C4D"


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