Author Topic: is this UI sluggishness normal?  (Read 7114 times)

2024-01-19, 09:47:57
Reply #30

Aram Avetisyan

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Now that almost 80perc. of my materials feature Randomizer and Triplanar, often both in row, that is not nice news. I did want better representation in viewport (just by taking any bitmap in chain), but if it's causing  performance issues now : /

Please check my reply here:

I am sure it was scene/object/material specific, so no worries.
I have bunch of scenes and in 99.9% of them all materials are set with Triplanar, MappingRandomizer combination, many of them with CoronaColorCorrect. The mentioned combination is present for sure. None of them has ever caused slowdowns.

I even, just to be sure, dared to open one of the current production scenes of mine and applied to all objects the mentioned material with bad combination. Guess what - the viewport 40-50fps (heavy scene), with bad combination material became faster.

So, really nothing to worry about. I really believe this was scene specific, as tested and confirmed.
« Last Edit: 2024-01-21, 09:58:31 by Aram Avetisyan »
Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2024-01-19, 18:09:26
Reply #31


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thanks Aram, good to hear!
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2024-01-20, 21:45:34
Reply #32


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Now that almost 80perc. of my materials feature Randomizer and Triplanar, often both in row, that is not nice news. I did want better representation in viewport (just by taking any bitmap in chain), but if it's causing  performance issues now : /

Please check my reply here:

I am sure it was scene/object/material specific, so no worries.
I have bunch of scenes and in 99.9% of them all material are set with Triplanar, MappingRandomizer combination, many of them with CoronaColorCorrect. The mentioned combination is preset for sure. None of them has ever caused slowdowns.

I even, just to be sure, dared to open one of the current production scenes of mine and applied to all objects the mentioned material with bad combination. Guess what - the viewport 40-50fps (heavy scene), with bad combination material is became faster.

So really nothing to worry about. I really believe this was scene specific, as tested and confirmed.

Glad to hear that this is a specific case. At the same time, I feel "lucky" because this scene was a part of my work project that I created in Corona 9. Then, I installed Corona 11 and immediately hit this bug.  :-/
Anyway, I hope you can resolve it.

UPDATE: just tested with Corona 11 Hotfix2 and it seems like my bug has been resolved :)
Thanks, Corona-Renderer Team!
« Last Edit: 2024-04-30, 21:09:59 by brr »