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Messages - Aram Avetisyan

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 54
[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 Update 1
« on: Yesterday at 16:05:11 »
Hey Aram,

if you already know about the issues on Update1, please let your users know about it.
In this case i (and other users as well) wasted a lot of time to fix it and i was looking for installation issues and hardware issues on my end.


It was actually users, and only some of them, that let us know about UI lags. Internally, we did not see consistent responsiveness drops, which led us to think that this may be hardware specific. The whole discussion has been here in the forums, which was the only place to give and receive info on this topic. Can you please let us know what hardware specs you have?

+1 for getting this fixed. It's the first thing my team checks after ever update. We're so sick of rendering out the sky in two passes, I find it crazy we haven't had a fix yet

Make sure to check if it is already there in AHA (feature requests) portal, if not, submit it, and cast a vote for it.

Hey everyone, who experienced general slowdown of machine while rendering (IR or production) with Corona.

This should be addressed in the first daily build of 2025!

This daily build is planned to be released as Corona 12 Update 1 Hotfix 1 soon, if no issues are found.

Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
If you are familiar with the daily builds and know how to use them, download the newest one here:

  • Chaos installer advanced install - "continue" button is now disabled when no component is selected.
  • 3ds Max shortcuts are now disabled for Cosmos sign-in dialog.
  • Fixed issue where ForestPack IVY was not animated in production rendering.
  • Fixed issue where ForestPack was no longer scattering Corona light sources.
  • Fixed issue where light sources scattered with ForestPack were all in the same light mix selection.
  • Improved overall responsiveness of UI when rendering with Corona.
  • Scanned Material:
    • Fixed "Advanced" dialog not being hidden when license is not available.
    • Fixed loading of material when relative paths are stored (Preference Settings > Files > Convert local file paths to Relative).
    • License is not obtained immediately after creating the scanned material anymore. It is obtained only when UI is displayed or when  writing new parameter values.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 Update 1
« on: 2025-01-11, 13:35:45 »

There were reproduced lags and responsiveness drops, which have already been tfixed internally.
Be sure to try the next daily build which will be out soon, which should have all of these slowdowns addressed.

The Cosmos being open resulting to lag is/was new, so if it continues to happen with the upcoming daily build, please record a video with some repro steps and send over.

Gallery / Re: DB9.Visual - Water Fall
« on: 2025-01-09, 12:04:48 »
Very nice work!

I would love to see some mist too, that would be the cheery at the top!

Is there currently a way to control the uv channel of all the textures connected to the multimap without going one by one on each bitmap node?

Unless you are into scripting, I don't think there is a way to do it through multimap - UV channel is an attribute of Bitmap/CoronaBitmap, so it needs to be controlled from there.

Depending on the case you have, possible workaround will be to plug the multimap into triplanar and use it that way (unified mapping for all connected maps).

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« on: 2025-01-03, 17:59:29 »
Hi all,
I'm not sure I understand how this works. The texture for the base object with a uv channel of 3 is controlled by a uvw map with a uv channel 1 in my tests, while the second texture has a uv channel of 2 and it's controlled by the uv's of the pattern object, even when the actual uv channel is 1 as well. It's weird, no?


It is a bit confusing, indeed, but given the limitations of 3ds Max it was the only way to implement it. We tried to make this as clear as possible with the tooltip. Please find the technical information there, it should be enough to get it working. Let me know if you manage to do so.

[Max] I need help! / Re: unassigned Light in Lightmix
« on: 2025-01-03, 17:56:09 »
It is less likely.

These commands select light emitting objects which would otherwise be new lightmix layers if lightmix was set up from scratch.

[Max] I need help! / Re: unassigned Light in Lightmix
« on: 2025-01-03, 15:25:26 »

You can right click on any lightmix layer and select, add and remove the lights in that layer to 3ds Max selection.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Crashing when rendering animation
« on: 2025-01-03, 15:19:57 »

If you can provide a simple scene (few simple objects and camera with motion blur, optionally also the velocity render element added) where this can be easily replicated, it will be great.
If reproduced, the crash will be reported straight away.

Yes, normal maps affect where a face/pixel is directed at, which can alter the brighness depending on the lighting. On a more diffused lighting (e.g. solid white color without any lights) the brightness difference will become less.

As the holidays approach, we will probably try to do a DB on the second half of January, but nothing specific for now.

Little update on this (responsiveness drop/slowdown with IR, v13 DBs, after some point, and v12 update 1):

We narrowed down the issue and have found one of the reasons of this, and it has been fixed internally.
There are some leftovers/cases where responsiveness drop can be observed and these are being handled as well.

[Max] I need help! / Re: UHD Cache precomp issue
« on: 2024-12-17, 22:56:19 »
It does sound like a bug.
If you manage to get to the simplified version of the scene, and exact issue still appears, please send it over. Thanks in advance.

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