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Messages - marko.zeko

Pages: [1]
[Archive] Chaos Corona for ARCHICAD / Re: More test renders
« on: 2020-04-24, 16:15:49 »
where are those assets from?

how did you import them in archicad? Pic two sofa and blanket are in my interest.

Hello everyone!

I'd like to open the discussion about proxies. I feel there is slight misunderstanding and misuse of proxy objects usage in AC right now.
Let's sum it up.

Proxy object ( current implementation )
The current proxy is a GDL object to help to bring custom geometry into AC from a file (like .obj or .cgeo).

Corona proxy ( NOT implemented yet )
Proxies are useful for keeping smooth viewport performance while handling large amounts of high-poly objects in the scene.
This is not implemented in the Corona for AC now - you can't select the geometry and save it as a .cgeo right now.
More info:

What we want to do first, is fully implement Corona Proxy (save and load)
Making .obj importer as a separate GDL object is questionable - it's worth it and should we spend the time on this or rather on another more important functionality?

To keep the discussion rolling, will be obj. loading GDL object a useful feature? Is this a used and trusted way how to bring objects into AC? It's not better to use the objects from some well-prepared library? It's another way how to bring custom geometry into AC(plugin)?

Thanks for your feedback!

Will it be possible to import *.max files and save them as proxies?

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