Hello everyone!
I'd like to open the discussion about proxies. I feel there is slight misunderstanding and misuse of proxy objects usage in AC right now.
Let's sum it up.
Proxy object ( current implementation )
The current proxy is a GDL object to help to bring custom geometry into AC from a file (like .obj or .cgeo).
Corona proxy ( NOT implemented yet )
Proxies are useful for keeping smooth viewport performance while handling large amounts of high-poly objects in the scene.
This is not implemented in the Corona for AC now - you can't select the geometry and save it as a .cgeo right now.
More info: https://coronarenderer.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/5000516724-how-to-use-proxies-
What we want to do first, is fully implement Corona Proxy (save and load)
Making .obj importer as a separate GDL object is questionable - it's worth it and should we spend the time on this or rather on another more important functionality?
To keep the discussion rolling, will be obj. loading GDL object a useful feature? Is this a used and trusted way how to bring objects into AC? It's not better to use the objects from some well-prepared library? It's another way how to bring custom geometry into AC(plugin)?
Thanks for your feedback!
Will it be possible to import *.max files and save them as proxies?