Author Topic: Toon Render Element and Corona object properties  (Read 3030 times)

2022-12-16, 17:20:37


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There have been 2 changes I've been needing for years that never seem to get a mention. A corona equivalent to vray properties so that I can make an objective not reflect in another specific object but still in everything else and a toon render element to add a pencil line around objects (for whitecards in my case) like vray. Any chance of these happening?

2022-12-19, 11:50:28
Reply #1


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About both of the requests: everything is possible, but those items are definitely low-priority considering the direction in which Corona development has always been going. Corona's aim is physical correctness with as little fakes as possible.
V-Ray (as you mentioned) is a better choice when such features are the priority.
Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2022-12-19, 13:32:18
Reply #2


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About both of the requests: everything is possible, but those items are definitely low-priority considering the direction in which Corona development has always been going. Corona's aim is physical correctness with as little fakes as possible.
V-Ray (as you mentioned) is a better choice when such features are the priority.

Appreciate this Maru, but Toon shader is pretty important in my opinion.  Especially for arch viz.  When we issue 'clay renders' as part of the previz process with clients we often do it with Corona Wires, mainly so architects can easily see detail and comment on what's missing, what isn't.  The problem with Corona Wires, is that it picks up all of the unecessary/ugly parts of the wire frame too.  It doesn't give a clean visual.  It doesn't make any sense to switch to vray purely for clay renders.

We also us Wires sometimes when doing cutaways or axonometrics for 3d floor plans or dollhouse type images.

I've attached a couple of screenshots of Vray Toon vs Vray Edges - when you need a cleaner, more diagramattical representation, Toon wins hands down.  And it is an important part of the arch viz pipeline - we don't ever just go from client brief straight to fully physically correct, realistic render with out some conceptual bit in between.

It's a shame you're advising people to go to Vray if they want a more complete production pipeline.

I've also attached an example from an existing project, this was a clay render sent to a client, in an ideal world all the extra edges i've started to highlight with red, wouldn't be shown.  Toon wouldn't render these.  Wires does.

2022-12-19, 17:34:11
Reply #3


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Totally agree with dj_buckley. Toon or Sketch shader is an absolutely "must have" for architects and related professions. That's why I've requested this for several years.

2022-12-23, 13:25:58
Reply #4


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About both of the requests: everything is possible, but those items are definitely low-priority considering the direction in which Corona development has always been going. Corona's aim is physical correctness with as little fakes as possible.
V-Ray (as you mentioned) is a better choice when such features are the priority.

I appreciate the reply but I don't think it makes much sense if I'm being honest. We can make lights not visible in reflections and objects not cast shadows or not be visible to camera, not visible in refractions and reflections etc already. Selecting one object to not reflect into is just a small extension of this and a vital one. If I want to add shading to a chrome tap using a bounce box without it reflecting in the sink or the window there is currently no way to do this without it being 2 renders. It doesnt even seem like it would be much work

2022-12-23, 15:16:06
Reply #5


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Couldn't you just use Cebas Final Toon with Scanline?

Or perhaps the Corona devs can make it compatible...

2022-12-27, 15:38:18
Reply #6


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Possibly, if we hadn't just spent our remaining software budgets on the Corona price increase ...

On a serious note, what is being requested already exists within the Chaos world.  When other things are being ported between Vray and Corona, I don't see why Toon should be excluded.

The 'focus on physical accuracy' is nonsense for reasons already explained by someone else in this thread.

2023-01-10, 18:13:23
Reply #7


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You can do a toon-like shader already in Corona, it just takes a bit of work with a composite map and rendering it as an element, then possibly comping it in Photoshop. Yes, I understand you don't get the cell-shading like a true toon shader but if all you're after is a white image with edges drawn (but not every sub-object edge), you can do that with a comp node with white (or a colour) as the base layer. Then throw a couple of AO and/or Curvature maps on top with the Unoccluded as White, Occluded as black, Colour spread as 1.0 and Calculate from Inside and Outside, set to multiply in the comp node. You can always add a wireframe node in the top or as its own element and using masks, pick and choose which elements in your rendering show the full wireframe (site geometry like roads, sidewalks, driveways, etc. may be a good use for this). If you have trees and grass, you can always omit those from the element itself and they will appear as fully white.

Although I didn't render it, you could go one step further by rendering out a material-overridden version of your view so you have the lighting the way you want, and multiply the fake-toon on top in Photoshop, akin to your original post with the wireframe multiplied.

I get a Toon Shader would be better but you're not without artistic options now.
« Last Edit: 2023-01-11, 14:23:57 by Tannerjohnso1 »

2023-01-13, 12:17:20
Reply #8


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I have updated this request in our system. If there are any updates on this, we will let you know.

(Internal ID=582826598)

Meanwhile, there have been some workarounds that have been discussed in the past. You can find them here:

I am also attaching a scene file along with some renders; I hope it might help.
Arpit Pandey |
3D Support Specialist - Corona | contact us

2023-01-17, 11:17:31
Reply #9


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Thanks. For me personally, and I would guess a lot of people that work on similar jobs, the ability to make things not reflect in selected objects is more important than the toon shader. I do a lot of visualisations of kitchens and bathrooms and the ability to add bounceboards to add shading to chrome objects like oven handles or taps without it affecting other objects such as glass and mirrors is vital.

Thanks again for taking note