Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] I need help!

Water material with caustics


Hi, Im trying to create an water material to use in a pool for my architectural rendering project, Im using a material with bump,  reflection and refraction checked, with the refraction ior at 1.33, and the volumetrics box checked, I used a very light blue for the absorption color with a distance of 200cm and turned of the diffuse box and also checked global volume and fast caustic solver at the corona render settings, but the result is a very dark water wich doesnt look great and the caustics are kinda working but im not getting the effect I want.
Im trying to get the same effect and material on this video

Sharing an example of your result is always beneficial. ;) Here is my very basic setup. I hope that helps.

Unless you have a very good HDRI with a sun and it is exposed properly, you will need to add a Sun Object to get the nice caustic effect. In my experience.


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