Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Daily Builds

New Corona Lister Feedback

<< < (10/10)

Dalton Watts:
Why isn't it dockable?

If you have 20 cameras or lights you cant change a value in all of them at once.
Can we have that functionality please ?

Exactly. A quality of life feature that we have come to expect from modern software.

The first time i selected multiple proxies through the lister I tried to change their point cloud density, thinking of course I would be abe to. Wrong!

Please add this funtionality. It's not uncommon to want to change multiple proxies' display mode to box etc.

Selection improvements and multiple items edit is a must in my book. Without it the lister is barely usable.

Dalton Watts:
Also, another quality of life improvement in the Unified Lister would be the ability to drag and drop texmap between lights, or at least copy and paste them. Right now, I can't drag, copy, paste or even drag the texture from slate material to the map slot in the Unified Lister.


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