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Living room

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--- Quote from: Lucutus on 2018-07-18, 07:56:29 ---besides the points maru statet already....for me the proportions of the scene dont seem to be correct.
it has a bit of diorama look.

U should check the size and scaling of yout objects and textures u have used.



--- End quote ---

Agreed. I think the issue is the camera used. It looks very high off the floor, like a photo taken from standing on a chair. Also the lens length may be too long for this sort of shot. Something in the 24mm-28mm range and at eye level should help a lot in removing this "diorama" feel.

Am i alone thinking that the biggest issue here is the design, not the viz?

Hmm, probably not. But it doesn't seem helpful to say the design isn't your taste and that's why it isn't a successful image. I'm personally not a fan of it either, but improving composition, lighting, and quality of materials can at least make it a nice and convincing visualization of space.

thank you guys for all your help!
i attached a low res render that i did last night after only ramu replied. in it i tried to fix the texture issue and the hdri issue. let me know what you guys think!

 i want to comment on some of the critique just to make sure i understand it all

romullus- the design is not mine though i did change it a bit, the inspiration is from here

Christa Noel- i already used a multi-map on the stairs, i guess its not enough. what i did was take 1 map and with outputs made them lighter and darker. should i just up the amount that i adjusted the brightness or should i add a completely different map?

Lucutus- the size and scale of the objects are all correct. Is there any texture that you can point at that is off?

maru- i used a hdri but it became blown out when i increased the exposure. any tips what to do about that?

Thanks again guys for all the help!! 


"i used a hdri but it became blown out when i increased the exposure. any tips what to do about that?"

You can pass the HDRI through the CoronaToneMap control, which prevents it from being adjusted by the VFB tone mapping (if you disable the Exposure checkbox in the ToneMap control)

EDIT - you will note in the info for the ToneMap that this is only true when you start a render, if you adjust tone mapping in IR or after the render has finished, it will still affect the HDRI.


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