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Material Editor Suggestions
how about building a corona own material API or web dialog to act like Sketchup material with the basic corona material preset with texture support and then develop it into a full-blown material editor.
I know Sketchup API is limited in certain things but programmers has the way to create a workaround.
Well, node editing is not even supported in Sketchup API unless someone create workaround using C++/C. Not sure if node editing is even possible in ruby using web dialog or the only way to do it is inside the rendering engine itself and only linked to sketchup.
--- Quote from: jKLman on 2016-02-04, 15:59:23 ---how about building a corona own material API or web dialog to act like Sketchup material with the basic corona material preset with texture support and then develop it into a full-blown material editor.
--- End quote ---
Well, they have to build it from scratch anyway, so they're better off creating something that makes more sens for Corona.
We can do whatever we want in both webdialogs and C++ dialogs.
The issue is not "is it possible", but "how long would it take to do it?". There are frameworks for Qt, or in JS, or whatever, but it would still take a lot of time.
Definitely, node editor is good to have aside from basic material editor and
preset materials that can be easily applied. Drag and drop material assigning to object
Right click contextual shortcuts
Interactive preview with thumbnail of in model materials ala 3dsmax 24 slots
Import export of material library/ saving and loading
Drag and drop/ copy and paste of texture mapping
Material randomizer/ color randomizer
Material layering
Good to have all of this👍
There is an inherent issue which I hope the team will pick up and address. It seems Corona doesn't handle the texture correct when you scale the texture with the pins instead of typing the correct measurements in the SU material editor. Allowing scaling within the texture is a crucial way of working in Sketchup and I think this is a very important issue to address, hopefully this can be possible without having to use numbers as trial and error to align and position textures correctly on faces and objects.
I have noticed also that texture scaling is happening when material texture is applied to a grouped object rather than individual faces before grouping.
Try this...
1. texture applied on a single face in an object before grouping is rendered correctly.
2. texture applied in grouped faces to form an object when rendered scales down or become tiled texture, texture rendered incorrectly.
3. texture applied on faces, then group into an object renders correctly.
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