[Max] Bug Reporting

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[-] [Max] Resolved Bugs


<< < (85/90) > >>

[1] XRef materials not rendering

[2] DR node reporting version incorrectly

[3] CoronaMix + Pin Light = 3ds max or Corona Bug?

[4] 1.6 VFB History being affected by Cameramod changes incorrectly

[5] Lightmix bug - Light jumps to enviroment when uncheck "occlude other lights"

[6] 1.6 - Render in VFB, close, render in docked IR, can't open VFB again

[7] Corona interactive mode with Itoo Forest cause 3ds Max to freeze.

[8] CoronaMix wrong falloff thumbnail in mtl editor Corona 1.6

[9] Forest Limit to Visibility when cursor moves away from VFB causing errors


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