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Messages - 88qba88

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
I love it!
One light (corona disc, directionality 1), 2 lenses with dispersion (spheres with refraction set to 1, color white, roughness 0, caustics ON + dispersion 35 ON). All inside box with volume material applied (absorption + scattering, close to white color, distance adjusted to scene size).

Learner’s Corner / Re: Lack realism/photorealism
« on: 2024-02-13, 13:38:30 »
I think there might be a problem with materials albedo. I think your whites are too white (I try not to make white whiter than 210/255).
In real world almost no materials are brighter than 210 (lets consider that it is pure white snow, even white paper looks a bit gray on such a bright material). It dramatically changes how light scatters on the whole scene.
PS. same goes for blacks - usually I try not to go below 40/255, usually around 50/255) for blacks, unless it's Vantablack paint or something).

Thanks! :) Fingers crossed as it can produce strange effects if real scenes!


I've encountered a strange problem - when I was testing something I've noticed that I can see a bokeh from the light that are invisible to camera. Test scene is quite simple - a plane and instanced lights above it, camera below it. You can see the bokeh from lights and it is distorted, as if part of it was cut (top part in front of focus point and bottom part farther away from the focus point).

Why does it behave like that, is that a bug? It certainly looks like a bug.


Strange DOF light (visible DOF from lights that are invisible to camera)
Max 2024

Learner’s Corner / Re: old kitchen
« on: 2023-04-27, 15:26:08 »
I have a few as well:
1. I think contrast is too high (there are burned areas and pure black areas);
2. I think texture on a wall is low quality/mapping is too big;
3. You should definitely randomize texture on a cabinet - it looks unrealistic. The direction of wood on the corner is bad and texture mapping is same on drawer, doors and bottom horizontal part;
4. You can try and introducing a little bit ob bloom and glare;
5. Tablecloth looks a little bit off - maybe try another model?
6. Some elements are too saturated (shelfs, green bottle);
7. Some objects miss textures/reflection layer (eg. spatulas, books on windowsill);
I think you use pure white and pure black as diffuse on some materials - in current Corona with PBR materials I believe you should stick to something around 40-230 range (40 - really black and 230 - white as snow).

I really like floor texture!

Can you show us final/improved version?

Thanks for the update! :)

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Give me some feedback pls!
« on: 2023-02-10, 12:07:46 »

1. Japanese mood/interior + chairs for me is not a good starting point!
2. To achieve more realism you can work on your camera settings - use realistic depth of field (you can set Corona Camera same as real camera - aperture, sensor size etc.).
3. Do you use LUT and ACES? Proper settings can give great results strait out of corona.
4. I see that you use Chaos models. You have to be careful with it, as not every material/model is great! Always check Albedo level of white color (from my experience using values higher the 210 out of 256 white is really bad).
5. Add more details - maybe place some meterial behind the cabinets?
6. Use correct lumen/light brightness values for interior lights.
7. It usually works best when a picture "tells a story" - even a small detail can make a difference.
8. Add some dirt/microdetail to your materials (you can use clearcoat layer in corona physical material).

What about TwinMotion? It's now free for Revit 2023.1 so maybe you can give it a try :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Texture based on light occlusion?
« on: 2022-08-26, 14:05:26 »
Here is my render with lights visible on the dark side of the earth.
I know that there are more lights turned on in cities and roads during nighttime as we (humanity) turn them on after dark but the effect on the bright side is so subtle it should work anyway :)
You can achieve the effect you are talking about in static render or animation if you use distance map for light intensity and as object choose sun - the distance for the dark part should be farther then center of the earth, "daylight" distance towards the sun - playing with the transition zone can even mimic effect of gradually turning the lights on on the sunrise/sunset zone :)

Fast interior tests - the clouds seem to cast shadows, the effect is quite significant!
I've noticed that to bo see changes in the shadows after every change of cloud parameters I have to reset IR.

I love the effect on the light/mood in the interior renders!

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Straight out of Corona renders
« on: 2022-07-26, 12:30:27 »
Arjuna Wayang Golek - 3d scan of a theater puppet

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Straight out of Corona renders
« on: 2022-01-05, 11:37:07 »
You're right!
It was just a fast test but here comes version with toned down roughness map and little changes in overall "roughness".

Much better!

Are you using Corona Multi-map to give a subtle brightness/gamma variation to each board? If not, you may give it a shot.
I like the way that direct sunlight changes the material color using clearcoat!

Thanks! I've changed the texture to seamless and gave it slight gamma and hue variation. I also made a test with different clearcoat color.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Straight out of Corona renders
« on: 2022-01-04, 15:57:35 »
You're right!
It was just a fast test but here comes version with toned down roughness map and little changes in overall "roughness".

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Straight out of Corona renders
« on: 2022-01-03, 15:58:27 »
Floor test - it's just one PBR material (no layered materials) with anisotropy, clearcoat and bump maps.
Different roughnes and bump maps were used for for base material and clearcoat layers.
I think it's amazing, fast and simple!
PS. I used corona multimap and UVW randomizer.

Work in Progress/Tests / Straight out of Corona renders
« on: 2021-12-30, 15:39:20 »

Here comes my test image - it's straight out of corona using newest daily build 2021-12-06.
I really love the effect that we can achieve without any postprocessing!


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