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Messages - CBAS VISUAL

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Quixel Bridge Plugin::Received data from Bridge.
{'minLOD': 'lod0', 'scriptFilePath': None, 'message': 'export', 'version': 1, 'resolution': '4K', 'resolutionValue': 4096, 'category': 'Floor', 'type': 'surface', 'id': 'vl0gfdalw', 'name': 'Concrete Floor Tiles', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw', 'exportAs': 'default', 'textureFormat': 'image/jpeg', 'meshFormat': '', 'previewImage': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_Preview.png', 'averageColor': '#000000', 'tags': ['gray', 'yellow', 'white', 'rdt', 'construction', 'pool', 'flooring', 'urban', 'city', 'concrete plates', 'squares', 'grout', 'ground', 'tiles', 'clean', 'flat', 'pale', 'smooth', 'new'], 'activeLOD': 'high', 'categories': ['surface', 'concrete', 'smooth'], 'isExternal': False, 'exportPath': '', 'namingConvention': {'texture': '$mapName_$resolution_$lod_$id', 'model': '$name_$lod_$variation_$id', 'folder': '$name_$id'}, 'folderNamingConvention': 'Concrete Floor Tiles_vl0gfdalw', 'mapNameOverride': {'albedo': 'Albedo', 'ao': 'AO', 'bump': 'Bump', 'cavity': 'Cavity', 'curvature': 'Curvature', 'diffuse': 'Diffuse', 'displacement': 'Displacement', 'fuzz': 'Fuzz', 'gloss': 'Gloss', 'mask': 'Mask', 'metalness': 'Metalness', 'normal': 'Normal', 'opacity': 'Opacity', 'roughness': 'Roughness', 'specular': 'Specular', 'thickness': 'Thickness', 'translucency': 'Translucency', 'transmission': 'Transmission'}, 'meta': [{'key': 'scanArea', 'name': 'Scan Area', 'value': '3x3 m'}, {'key': 'height', 'name': 'Height', 'value': '0.028 m'}, {'key': 'tileable', 'name': 'Tileable', 'value': True}, {'key': 'tiling_directions', 'name': 'Tiling Directions', 'value': ['x', 'y']}, {'key': 'texelDensity', 'name': 'Texel Density', 'value': '5461 px/m'}, {'key': 'calibration', 'name': 'Calibration', 'value': 'GretagMacbeth ColorChecker Color Rendition Chart'}, {'key': 'scanner', 'name': 'Scanner', 'value': 'MKX'}], 'materials': [], 'textureSets': [], 'workflow': 'specular', 'origin': 'megascans', 'isModularAsset': False, 'guid': 'fed65e21-5ada-8628-6811-f0f0c94ecc56', 'components': [{'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Albedo.jpg', 'type': 'albedo', 'resolution': '4K', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Albedo.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Albedo_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'sRGB', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'ao', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_AO.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_AO.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'AO_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'sRGB', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'bump', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Bump.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Bump.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Bump_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'displacement', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Displacement.exr', 'format': 'exr', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Displacement.exr', 'nameOverride': 'Displacement_4K__vl0gfdalw.exr', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'gloss', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Gloss.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Gloss.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Gloss_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}], 'meshList': [], 'packedTextures': [], 'lodList': [], 'meshVersion': 1, 'components-billboard': [], 'isCustom': False}
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Importing Concrete Floor Tiles
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Successfully imported Concrete Floor Tiles

The console when i import a material.

I tried with the b&w bump map, it worked. Not with the normal map. Something strange.

yes the texture is download.

Hey, nice plugin !!
Just one question, how can I force the use of the normal map instead of the bump map during export?

Same here, since the 02.14 daily build build.
I rolled back to the January build, everything work fine.

Hi guys !

is there anything new about vantage and corona ?

[C4D] I need help! / Re: C4D material pure black problem
« on: 2023-08-22, 08:06:34 »
Hi guys,
any news ?

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Random corona light very noisy
« on: 2023-08-10, 16:06:55 »
I believe it comes from the adaptive light solver, i unchecked it and it works normally.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: C4D material pure black problem
« on: 2023-08-08, 10:11:33 »
just upload a scene with your signature upload link.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: C4D material pure black problem
« on: 2023-08-08, 09:48:12 »
I used to do this method but since version 10 it no longer works.

once the conversion is done, the anima character has no more material. And it's impossible to reassign.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: C4D material pure black problem
« on: 2023-08-08, 08:08:06 »
there is indeed a difference between corona 9 and corona 10 on the reflections.
both screenshots are from the anima support team.

corona 10 is too shiny

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Random corona light very noisy
« on: 2023-08-07, 16:17:30 »
good . #144100

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Random corona light very noisy
« on: 2023-08-07, 16:00:14 »
doesn't work with your signature.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Random corona light very noisy
« on: 2023-08-07, 15:49:17 »
where can i upload the scene ?

[C4D] I need help! / C4D material pure black problem
« on: 2023-08-07, 15:45:49 »
hi again,

why with cinema4d base material it is not possible to have pure black with corona as renderer ? is it normal ?
and the reflection settings don't work.

it's annoying because the plugin Anima uses basic cinema4d materials so the characters look like wax. way too shiny. When i try to change a reflection setting, nothing happened.

see attachment.

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