Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Feature Requests

Distance texture set to other Material/MatID


Problem: I create a nice material using distance texture, and link the distance to geometry or splines in the scene. I add the material to my library. I open the material in another scene, and get the red "error texture" all over my materials since to objects it was refering to isn't in the scene.

Solution: Add an option to set the distance from another material. In this way you can create great masks by using various Multi/sub materials, which will carry over no matter the geometry.

If this isn't possible, please keep the name of the deleted objects, instead of just having it say "<deleted>". Would make debugging a lot easier.

but the material would be also copied, so it couldnt pair up with the original one in the new scene... right?

Well, if you keep the material name the same, it shouldn't be any problem.

Like, if I want to make a material called "Gravel" and I want it to be 200mm in proximity to a material called "Asphalt" then thouse names should carry over as long as the names stay the same.
I usually group my materials in Muliti/Subs, and if you link to materials within the same Multi/Sub the naming issue isn't any problem.

Another idea would be to set it to MatID or even ObjectID instead of specific objects.


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