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Messages - CamilleB

Pages: [1]
Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Is Corona for blender dead?
« on: 2021-05-13, 15:12:49 »
Sad but unfortunately for the Maxon team, Blender is a real thing, and it's growing. So if they don't invest in that, they are going to regret it at the end.

Ubisoft, UE games and a lot of other studios are using Blender now. It's just a matter of time and 3Ds max is going to be lost far away behind.

I would love to use Luxecore, but it's not the best option right now. Even Octane is far more impressive in Blender.
I could really see myself using Luxecore, but seems it's far away from the Corona, Octane or even Cycles to me... Maybe I'm wrong?!

Maybe the Luxecore team should make a Kickstarter and promote it to make sure a lot of people put money on it. I dunnoo...

Hey mates,

Hope you're doing well.
Would like to know if there's any chance to have developers to make a true version of Corona for Blender.

I'm pretty sure a lot of Blenders users could pay for Corona. Any chance?
Should we make a kickstarter for that in partnership with Maxon to make it happens?

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Is Corona for blender dead?
« on: 2021-05-12, 20:03:08 »
Honestly, I just don't get why Corona is not on Blender. In term of strategy, we can clearly see that Blender is becoming a huge player in the market. So annoying.
I'm a Blender user and I would to pay to get Corona. So sad.

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