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Topics - MissSu

Pages: [1]
I noticed that the official version of 7.0 is still not released. I want to know the details of the current situation and whether it needs to be postponed.
When will I be able to see it. . .

[Max] I need help! / I had some problems with the BackPanel.
« on: 2020-10-12, 21:13:13 »
I'm not a native speaker of English, so I hope I can speak clearly.
First of all, thank you.

problem:The backplate displays some black pixels on an albedo material.(You can see the left part of the first picture in the attachment)

Try to solve:
I tried many methods, and I read many methods on the forum with my poor English ability,
(I tried Rayswitch material、and use tonemap to disable the effect of tone mapping......etc.)
But there is no fundamental solution.
But I found a situation,When I disabled "Visible in reflection" in CoronaLightMtl, the black block disappeared. (Just like the right side of the first picture in my attachment)
yet this approach will cause the background image to be invisible in reflections.

Is there any solution? I have had this kind of problem before, but the location is not important and it has not been dealt with. I think I have to solve it now.

In addition to the pictures with the problem in the attachment, I also put the settings of the problem material and the settings of the backpanel.There is also a picture of my scene. The green one is the back panel, and the red one is the problematic wall.
Added a "Direct" to make it more obvious

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