As I understand, in the attached video the footages have different resolution, right?
In such case it may be expected (the difference between the footages) to some degree, as the image filtering, antialiasing and possibley other settings can change how bloom and glare is seen. This does not mean that it is expected that bloom and glare flickers from frame to frame in a sequence, with any settings.
Can you please tell a bit more in detail - there are specific frames where Bloom and Glare is not applied? Or applied more faintly/strongly, resulting to a flickering?
And can you please render the same sequence in a higher resolution and see if bloom and glare is applied consistently throughout the whole footage?
P.S. we have a similar or related report in our system, related to Bloom and glare. If you need a quick "solution", try enabling "Use legacy (v5) effect" in Render Settings > Camera > Bloom and Glare. Note that this may change the bloom and glare, but it should be possible to get similar results as before by tweaking the settings slighly.