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Messages - jKLman

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There is always subtle differences in each render engine system that Corona address.
Hope that will be incorporated in vray for sketchup rather than totally abandoning the development.

Anyway, it is a sad news.

Here is my test....
But it would be good if these can be done without applying the modifier and stays as changeable.

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: IPR and Corona scatter
« on: 2016-12-10, 15:01:51 »
Lookin' forward to that too!

No library in Blender. This is just how it works. Blender data can be inter-linked, connected or appended. Light weight use.
Just tested, you can append materials from previous scenes. If a Node Tree is used, you have to append that too.

Thanks, will try this....

Really awesome the fast pace development of the exporter, have not test all the features yet.

For now, @blanchg, please add scene materials or used materials to be exported and imported back so that it can be reuse in a new project or scene without having to redo again all the node setup.

Thank you so much!

Thanks for your incradible work @blanchg!

Here's an interior test i'v just render using corona exporter.

One problem i'v faced: can't use opacity maps. It's produce an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\render_corona\", line 353, in render
    render_start( self, scene)
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\render_corona\", line 38, in render_start
    render_scene( engine, scene)
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\render_corona\", line 189, in render_scene
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\modules\bpy\", line 189, in __call__
    ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
RuntimeError: Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\render_corona\operators\", line 118, in execute
    write_mtl( root, default_mat, mat, None, mtl_mat_name, True)
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\render_corona\", line 261, in write_mtl
    addTexture(xml_opacity, crn_mat.map_opacity)
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\render_corona\", line 13, in addTexture
    xml_tone = SubElement(target, 'map')
TypeError: must be xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, not str

What am i doing wrong?

When i create a material via the node editor, everything OK. the problem is just when i'm trying to use opacity map via the properties panel.

I suppose to report this too. But opacity is working using material node/ texture node system.
Thanks for the environment map intensity - control - now its working with the HRDI maps.

An exterior test... not perfect yet but @blanchg's hardwork on the exporter shows and of course of Ondra and team's effort
on the Standalone version.


You really did a great job in updating Blender integration with Corona.
After trying testing the old chocofur file WITHOUT touching or updating any object to the latest exporter, ie material, maps, texture etc,
it just did work! No crashes and any errors in the Blender console.

Though there are few changes or that are not compatible maybe with the new Corona Standalone that did not render correctly but the exporter is almost backward compatible with what Joel has greatly done and shared with us.

Here is the test.

Oh my, I did not try to click the texture icon coz I was looking for the material icon.

But here is what I've got!

Material node is working perfectly.....

I will take a look at the material node system again, I was trying to enable it but could not
find the material node system or could not enable it? Any idea?
When I click node material at material properties, it does not shown inside node viewport.

Corona Blender  rocks!
Just some few items to mention.
1. emission texture is not working. Should this be show in the coronamtl properties or coronalight properties?
2. Ray Invisibility is missing or disabled. Previously this is working.

You guys should post in the developers categories of the SketchUp forums and SketchUcation forums :
There are several talented freelance devs lurking there.

Also, are you guys part of the SketchUp Alpha program? There's a bunch of extensions developers there, and also it would be useful to you in general.
If not, PM or email me.

I'd gladly apply for the job, as I just used Corona for max for a job, and loved it. But Skatter is eating up all my dev time :)

We would be happy for you to take the job since you have done a great job for the Skatter...

That will be great!

Well understood if you are following a roadmap.
We can wait for certain feature integration.

At the moment we will play around with the latest update.

Thanks of the update, IES file is now working. need to test more and build a nice render.

The new UI for the GI renderer is much better with the Primary solver and Secondary solver in one place. Neat!

Do you mean the default reflection Fresnel value should be higher so that you can see the reflection immediately?

Ok I got it, we are using a general CoronaMtl here that is why all the values are default to diffuse material.
To get glossy, glass, etc one need to key-in all the values that corresponds to material type.

Sorry for that. Preset will be helpful specially that there is no documentation at the moment (feature request).

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