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Messages - romullus

Pages: 1 ... 589 590 [591] 592 593 ... 607
[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: MB segments count
« on: 2014-03-21, 13:18:32 »
Thank you very much!

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: MB segments count
« on: 2014-03-21, 13:02:21 »
To reinforce my request, i'm attaching simple example of what i doing. I would say it's nowhere close to extreme and additional segments would be very beneficial in that scenario, i think.
Although i should say, it's miles better than i can achieve in scanline or mental ray, but there's no limit for perfection ;]

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Displacement map issues.
« on: 2014-03-21, 12:53:46 »
To get better results with displacement, make sure you use at least 16bit image as displacement map. Full float would be even better. Also, you can try to reduce screen size (px) a little bit, but be careful, as you can easily run out of memory.

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: MB segments count
« on: 2014-03-21, 02:04:52 »
I see your point. Then, maybe there is possibility to expose that value in corona config files, that only more experienced users could change it if they need it?
I'm not doing anything  extreme, i just want to capture propeller of airplane, that spins on high rpm. From distance it looks ok, but in close up shots, even 50 segs is just not enough.

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / MB segments count
« on: 2014-03-21, 00:47:32 »
Keymaster, could you rise limit for motion blur transformation segments? From my experience, more segments adds close to nothing to render time, but could tremendously improve mb in certain situations. Something like 200 or even more would be great.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona Vs FurryBall
« on: 2014-03-20, 20:44:00 »
I wonder why people bothers to do such comparisons again and again, when it proves absolutely nothing?

And what about ability to choose different light units in CoronaLightMtl as it is possible in CoronaLight? Will that happen?

Out of all primitives, that is available in max, you'd chose the worst one to test refraction :]

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: What's hapening?
« on: 2014-03-19, 09:58:57 »
The less information you give, the less probability that you'll be given correct answer.

Edit: btw, i think maru is right: look at the reflections of your light sources on the wall - they're crazy high.

It is intended behaviour, as it's more logical than in A5.

Gallery / Re: Corona A6 Test
« on: 2014-03-18, 15:51:38 »
Oh, you crude people, don't take away placebo from poor soul :]

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: corona v6 instaler
« on: 2014-03-18, 14:53:54 »

I don't know is it bug or not, but I thought better if I share with you.
I got the install correctly, but I did not checked the "remove the older version", or what...

After I'd loaded up my last scene, and I thought I have to chosse the A6 in the render setup...
and...I got this screen.
The Crorona render A5 loaded already, but the A6 is missing. If you whatching in the ActiveShade is missing renderer, but there was the A5 originally. I tried to choose again the A6 for the ActiveShade, but there is missing the Corona optoin. No A5 or A6...

In the Corona info I got this:

Build timestamp: Mar 17 2014 19:02:02
Corona version: Alpha v6, Maxsdk version: 2013

Any advice? Must I reinstall my Max2014 or I have to use the Max2013 which still on my comp...?

The SP5 already installed for Max2014...and PhysX if it's matter...?
It's no bug, activeshade is not available in A6.

[Archive] Alpha Builds / Re: Alpha v6 released
« on: 2014-03-18, 12:11:47 »

Keep calm and have patience, it's still monday in Honolulu: ;]

Thanks maru. I'm waiting for proper blend material as well as multi/sub map with great anticipation.
Do you know by any chance if Keymaster have publicly available a roadmap for future developement of Corona?

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