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Messages - arthvaja

Pages: [1]
Thank you for your response.

Although I tried the same process with Corona 9, I am still facing the same issue.
I've used the same rendering settings as before. Does the newer version require me to set any additional render settings? It would be appreciated if I could solve the same issue in Corona 6.

Please find attached screenshot of settings and output.


I am using 3dsmax Corona renderer. It's Cube map render and I am using the Sharpening and Bloom and Glare options in the renderer post-processing.

As a result, when I cut all cube map into 6 different images (px,py,pz, nx,ny,nz) for 360 view.

Problem: I am getting color line / seams in the borders, while we merge the images.

Please find attached screenshot of settings and output.

Hello there,

I was wandering to convert my whole scene to corona with automation but when we run the corona converter script we need to click the "START CONVERSION" button by our selves however I want to do that using 3ds max scripting.
I have found a few results from google to access corona converter UI but didn't find the way out to convert the scene.
please help me to convert the whole scene using a 3ds max script with automation or a way to access Corona Converter UI using 3ds max script.

Google result that I found:

Code: [Select]
dialogHWND =  windows.getChildHWND 0 "Corona Converter v1.42"
dialogChildren = windows.getChildrenhwnd dialogHWND[1]
for child in dialogChildren where child[4] == "Button" and child[5] == "StartConverting" do
UIAccessor.pressButton child[1]

Thank you.

Hey there,

I'm having trouble whenever I render all objects separately using Viewport selection mode in 3ds max it shows me black border in those renders, so is there any way to avoid those black borders and improve render quality.

I have attached the render output after merging all layers.

Hey there,

I want to render an interior scene whereas I want to customize Sofa, Rug, Wall, Floor, Sidetable from Corona renderer.

1) I separate renders of each of those objects using ShadowCatcher material and in the end merging those all outputs in one.
2) If any objects changes, I just have to replace one object with it's own shadow.

- While I was rendering using ShadowCatcher material, I got some unnecessary shadows of other objects even if I hide it or exclude it from camera. Unfortunately, it still shows the unnecessary shadows of other parts.

- When I decrease the amount of shadow in the material it still shows me the same problem.
I am getting other GI bouncing on shadowcatcher material.

Vray Render: I tried doing with Vray render engine, and I got perfect output as necessary shadows. I want to execute this project in corona.

I have attached renders for reference of current output in corona along with settings.

Please help me with this issue.


[Max] I need help! / inlcude/exclude render via max script
« on: 2021-08-10, 06:51:32 »
I want to set render selected mode as include/exclude list for my selected objects via Max script but I didn't get any perfect max script to do that however I have the maybe correct command line for that but still, I don't know how to execute it perfectly which renders selected objects for me.

I found these two commands from corona commands list, don't know which of them will work for me and how to execute it.
.renderSelected_includeMode (main_renderSelected_includeMod) : boolean
.renderSelected_list (main_renderSelected_includeExclude) : node array

please help me if anyone of you is aware of this.

Hey there,

recently i was working on work and i faced a issue while rendering the object with it's shadow in transparent png file so that i can use that output render to place it on any other background image.

as you can see i have attached a screenshot of my scene, i only want that object and it's shadow, i tried using shadowcatcher material but it's also appearing in outpu render.

In whole scene there's only main object-Ground plane for shadow and HDRI.

Please help me with this issue.

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