Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

Problems with purchasing Corona license


Hello, can someone please help me with purchasing Corona 3ds Max: FairSaaS license. Looks like billing system on the website is not working. I'm trying to buy a license from Russia and always getting a transaction error. Is there another way to pay for the license?

Finland here, had the same problem. I got this manually handled by Adam, so maybe you should try to contact the Corona team via email, they handled my case very quickly. It´s still an issue, though, and I hope whatever the cause is it gets solved.. my guess is the fault lies in the specific banks system and has nothing to do with Corona.

We were informed about a 4 hours outage of our store by the provide. You can try it now, and if it does not work, contact our support at, they will help you sort it out.


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