Full agree!
Absolutely my words. Now we can focus on creative parts and not struggle with technical drudgery where not strictly necessary. It can really become a good tool.
It will be interesting how it will transform the field. In both good and bad ways at same time. But for now, I am mildly positive, even cheerful, less afraid of change.
After all, most of my issues this year were from clients and their financial situation due to downturn in many markets, hardly from AI or anything like that.
Not sure what and how much I can post here without this becoming AI playground, but I do have an example of some beautiful wrinkled cotton sheets :- ). I also don't really want to focus on the AI aspect alone, I like what it can do for my images, but they're still my images, my work, not AI's.
But maybe next I will experiment with heavier use.
Hi Juraj,
Very impressed with the result; the characters look incredibly lifelike, aside from some details that AI still struggles with, like hands and feet. But that's a minor point; the leap in quality from 100% AXYZ to the AI/AXYZ hybrid is huge.
Like you, I've always been (and still am) wary of anything related to AI, but, as you mentioned, it's interesting to learn how to use it, as long as it remains a tool in service of our creativity and not the other way around. I would be curious to learn more about your workflow if you're willing. I appreciate your mindset and the fact that you share your passion.
The motion blurred hand on walking woman is bit of my fumbling in photoshop. I was already lazy and tired and noticed it last minute before exporting to web. I think I will still fix that as otherwise I found the hand and feet almost excellent this time.
But motion blur & depth of field are things that are definitely among those confusing to AI and my source walking woman was motion blurred.
No tutorial for this, apparently there are already too many on youtube :- )
« Last Edit: 2023-12-13, 10:03:53 by Juraj »

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