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Messages - Ink Visual

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[Scatter] I need help! / Re: Scatter slow-downs?
« on: 2023-09-06, 13:39:17 »
From our experience, using texture maps for density is slowing Chaos Scatter down significantly on the more complex steups.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2023-08-29, 17:59:44 »
+1 for parsing improvements for animations.
Every realease I'm disappointed that it has not made anywhere outside of "pool of big ideas" on Trello board.
No other feature will have such a direct impact on cost of animation rendering as this one could have...

Hi all, we did some tests here and the same scenes appear to be opening slower in V10 compared to V9, however we were not able to reproduce such drastic slowdowns as "20+ minutes". It's only ~10 seconds slower in case of larger scenes with many objects, xrefs, textures, 3rd party plugins, etc (we are not using a teapot scene for this). The files were loaded locally from an M2 drive in 3ds Max 2024 and the time was measured between pressing "open" and being able to move in the viewport.

I assume these tests are being done on the archived scenes that all link to the assets stored in one folder?
The real life scenraio is often that assets are spread across various network locations. Max was always taking longer time to load such scenes, but maybe there's even bigger difference in such scenario between Corona 9 and 10?


[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Crash with OSL wParallax
« on: 2023-08-03, 10:26:38 »
The box method is just not as convenient as using simple plane behind the window. It's much harder to set up procedurally if there are many building types involved.
Planes + OSL are so much better and faster to use, if only they weren't crashing.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Crash with OSL wParallax
« on: 2023-08-02, 17:40:48 »
Yep, this is definately not solved yet.
We would love to use it in production, but simply cannot due to instability.

Did you try to disable update automatically option in scatter's viewport display rollout? Maybe that could help somehow with performance?

Hi Romullus, yes just tried this, not a tiny difference in performace, just as bad as with autoupdate.
I did another test, added scatter with 50000 boxes scattered on the simple plane. This scene with highpoly models, 10mln Verts, is playing at 20FPS without scatter.
After adding the box scatter it drops down to 10FPS. Even if I hide scatter, it remains at 10FPS, only disabling or removing scatter brings back 20FPS performance.

Remember that I have flexibility to disable/enable scatters only if they are physically in the scene. If they are xrefed, there's nothing that I can do to improve performance rather than disabling xref.
Scatters are rarely xrefed on their own, usually they are part of landscape/context file, with all the paving and other elemnts that are essential to be visible in the viewport while animating cameras.
Real pain to deal with.

Just bumping this one up. Would be great if this could be improved in v10.

It's really hard to work on animating cameras if viewport has 5FPS, and it bacame a real pain in our recent projects.
Disabling Chaos Scatters is not always an option, often we have them as a part of an xref, so in order to improve viewport performance in master file, an xref has to be opened and scatters disabled there....

Can we expect that team will have a chance to look at it in the new release?

I would personally love something like this that works the other way too. Corona TO physical for the times where you need to share a model as say an FBX and the other party doesnt have corona.

This! Would love to have such funcionality too.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: SME Very Slow on Corona 10
« on: 2023-06-26, 12:50:19 »
Really hope this it a top priority thing to address in Corona 11, if indeed not much has changed.
It's really frustrating that other engines are handling SME much better than Corona does.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Max extremely slow to close
« on: 2023-05-25, 17:57:18 »
Our Studio uses both intel and AMD and Max closing times are just as bad on both platforms.
It has surely sth to do with plugins we use (or how 3ds Max is managing them), it's hard to isolate it to one in particular though as we use many.
Very annoying so we also starte to simply fore quit max after saving.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: New Corona Lister Feedback
« on: 2023-05-18, 17:39:21 »
I was about to write some feedback after trying new lister but I will just second this post instead.
I agree with every single point. Lister is heading in good direction, but in case of proxies, I cannot see using it instead of Corona Proxy Lister plugin, all the funcionalities mentioned above are a must for new lister to become user friendly.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 8 round edges
« on: 2023-04-26, 14:30:26 »
I see, that's a shame but thanks for an update!

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 8 round edges
« on: 2023-04-26, 11:00:08 »
Any updates on this? Will it make it to v10?
Would be great to have legacy option back/checkbox to make use of previous behaviour.
Workarounds are quite annoying to use and we do need legacy behaviour pretty much on daily basis.

Hi Avi,
I just uploaded the scene through Chaos Support requests.
My ID case #105020.
Sorry it took a while, if anything else is needed, let me know please.

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