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Messages - Ink Visual

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[Max] I need help! / Re: Default simple exposure
« on: 2018-03-20, 17:45:37 »
Great, thanks a lot for clarification.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Default simple exposure
« on: 2018-03-20, 17:23:23 »
Thanks a lot Nicolas.
So it makes it a bit more clear now, according to what Juraj wrote:

"But it works like this: You put simple white color into environment (255/255/255), create some object ( Teapot with 128/128/128 Grey color ), hit render, and the teapot at EV=0 will be exactly 128/128/128."

And that seems to be correct. When I use white background in environment with EV=0 it does work as expected (see attachment).

But then while using corona sun in environment slot, I have to lower EV drastically (-4, -5) cos otherwise it's all just white (see 2nd attachment).
From what I understand now, all of you have to adjust EV the same way then?


[Max] I need help! / Default simple exposure
« on: 2018-03-20, 16:27:44 »
Hi there,

I'm using Corona for quite a while now, but today I got a bit confused.
For all that time I have been using photographic settings to set up my lighting. By doing that I was able to qickly get physically correct setup.  After reading couple of posts on the forum I came into conclusion that using simple exposure might actually be better, more flexible solution. Although...

With a default Corona Sun (intensity: 1) I get my images super overexposed. I usually have to set the simple exposure to something like: -5, -4 to get it all right...
Why is that? Shouldn't the default EV-0 value be giving me the neutral, more or less properly exposed images?

Is it just me? Some wrong scene settings? Or maybe all of you, while using simple EV settings, usually have them around -4, -5?


Gallery / Re: Castlefield II Facade Details
« on: 2018-03-16, 13:30:46 »
Hi, I have exactly the same question. How did you manage to create 3 external lighting scenarios in one light mix? From my experience it won't let you use multiple suns or HDRI's?

Hi guys,

I would need your advice regarding alternative monitor to the currently owned Apple Cinema Display.
I am working as a visualiser in architectural office where majority of staff works on Macs. 3D vis team is working on PCs, using some spare 27'' Apple Cinema Displays.

We're now looking for change in our dual monitor setups. That means leaving one ACD as a supportive monitor and buying the better one for the main screen.
And here are the questions:

1. How would you compare the quality of ACD display to other monitors available in the similar price range (~500gpb)? Perhaps current 2x27"'ACD is rather a decent setup?
Personally I can't complain about the ACD, but I've never really worked on anything else within this price range, so it's hard for me to compare. (I own Dell U2414H at home)

2. Is it worth getting 4k monitor, and having 27" ACD as a secondary screen? I've read some opinions that 4k monitors are not the best for 3ds Max and Corona use?
But maybe using 4k for Photoshop, and 27'' ACD for 3ds Max would be a good option?

3. If in your opinion everything BUT Apple Cinema Display will be better for Archviz then what models would you recommend within this budget? Was looking at Dell U2715H, can you suggest anything else?

Thank you!

Hi Razzow,

I personally use these:

...and can really recommend them. Suit all my needs (mixing maps, adding dirt, adding scratches, improving glossiness maps etc...)

Gallery / Re: Open Hand - Le Corbusier
« on: 2018-01-12, 18:52:11 »
This is stunning mate, I love it. Congrats!

Hi guys,

I'd like to report again that I still face the same bug. I was hoping that the Hotfix 2 will resolve the issue however the IR is still super slow. Every scene (small, big, with scattered objects, without...) is much slower compared to 1.6.3. Really annoying black screen while reloading the view.
Please could you confirm that somebody is working to fix it?

My setup is dual Xenon E5 2680 v0, 32GB RAM, win7, MAX 2016

Thank you,


I'd like to report the same problems with interactive rendering since updating to Corona 1.7, Max 2016.
It never took that long to load the scene into the IR window before. Now, I often have to wait couple of minutes until the image appears, even while working on small scenes.
During that time the IR window is either black or pixelised (see attached image).

Hi Juraj!
Inspiring work as always!
Could you share with us the secret of creating the fibre optics chandelieur?
I am trying to get the similar effect but have no clue how to start it?

EDIT(see attachment)

This is what I achieved so far with selfilluminated glass material...

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